Public Health Professionals and Statistics. 2023 Best
Week 2 Discussion 1 is about Public Health Professionals and Statistics. Paper instructions: first discussion to reply: minimum 100 words Kerry MacKay – Monday, 9 January 2023, 3:15 PM Hello, classmates! In navigating the question of using statistics to evaluate public health programs,
Public Health Professionals and Statistics.
Week 2 Discussion 1: Public Health Professionals and Statistics. Paper instructions: first discussion to reply: minimum 100 words Kerry MacKay – Monday, 9 January 2023, 3:15 PM Hello, classmates! In navigating the question of using statistics to evaluate public health programs, I thought deeply regarding how it is applied and what successes have come from public health interventions that ultimately have stemmed from data comparison with biostatistics. I consider the use of statistics extremely helpful to implement certain strategies and programs. It can be difficult, but shows great results in the end. I think it is extremely appropriate to compare and contrast many different things to discover gaps in populations.
Public Health Professionals and Statistics.
A good example of this might be looking at the average number of individuals in Boston who were diagnosed with lung cancer in 2022. From this, we can compare these numbers to other years or other cities and look at gaps in why they might be higher or lower in comparison. There are so many factors that play into examining public health data through the use of biostatistics along with generating effective research questions and leading into coming up with a proper study design. Using statistics can help us better understand and evaluate public health programs because we are taking specific data measured to evaluate smart goals and objectives.
Public Health Professionals and Statistics.
A specific book that I examined discussed the example of critiquing a program meeting its goals in conducting program evaluations through gathered data for the United States General accounting office in response to requests. These requests lead to creative evaluation questions to figure out specifically what people want to know and what they can do better (Newcomer et al., 2015). Exploratory data analysis allows us to get to know the data and see if programs are effective (Collins, 2010). Findings can further be used to examine goals, push forward and see the program’s effectiveness.
Public Health Professionals and Statistics.
Using statistics helps us to see numbers and why a program might be highly needed. It acts as proof in times stemming from a certain public health issue that a community might be struggling with. Statistics can help us determine patterns and draw conclusions from data because going by data can not lie. You can compare statistics across a wide population using various factors to visually see patterns in public health data, and find gaps. Gathering data to make informed decisions about public health programs helps us because it can gather qualitative and quantitative data to closely examine effectiveness.
Public Health Professionals and Statistics.
Various methods of collecting sample data to better understand a population’s characteristics include developing a research question, surveying, cohort studies, community needs assessment or other various types of studies. In one of the learning materials for this week, the researcher examined a specific population’s alcohol intake on their heaviest night (Collins, 2010). Knowing these numbers within the community can influence if it is high, having a public health substance use program if studies show that it is needed. Feel free to critique any thoughts that I have shared through this post.
Public Health Professionals and Statistics.
References Collins, S. Jan 14, 2010. Exploratory data analysis demo for SPSS 15.avi. Newcomer, K. E., Hatry, H. P., Wholey, J. S. (2015). Handbook of practical program evaluation. Jossey-Bass, a Wiley imprint. Wisdom, J. W., Creswell, J. W. (2013) Mixed methods: Integrating quantitative and qualitative data collection and analysis while studying patient-centered medical home models (PDF).
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