Response Analysis- Reader Essay Writing

Reader Response/Analysis

Reader Response Analysis Essay 100 Point Grading Rubric   5 points. Does the essay  on response analysis have a correct assignment heading? 5 points. Is the essay double-spaced and word-processed using Times New Roman font style and 12-point font size? 5 points. Does the essay have a centered, creative, attention-grabbing title? 5 points. Additionally  the essay written in third person, the standard point of view used in academic writing? 5 points. Does the introduction paragraph effectively catch the reader’s attention. Present a clear one sentence thesis statement forecasting to the reader the organization of the essay body. Also provide a creative directive to move the reader into the essay’s body? 10 points.

Does the paragraph that follows the introductory paragraph clearly summarize the main points of Didion’s essay, so the reader understands what the Santa Ana winds are and how they effect the environment and people? 5 points: Does each paragraph in the essay’s body have a topic sentence? 10 points: Does each analysis paragraph in the essay’s body reflect the following rhetorical pattern: a.) define/or summarize the literary tool, b.) cite textual evidence from the primary source to showcase the literary tool, and c.) provide developed and clear analysis/explanation of how the textual evidence cited from the primary source illustrates effective use of the literary tool? 5 points:

Further Description

Do the analysis paragraphs in the essay’s body have a closing thought? 15 points Additionally does the essay correctly employ the MLA In-text Documentation System to cite information from the secondary sources and textual evidence from the primary source? Firstly does the essay’s conclusion. Secondly clearly summarize main points. Thirdly remind the reader of the essay’s purpose or thesis using fresh, new wording. Consequently clearly express the essay’s “So what?” 10 points. Are the bibliographical entries for the primary and secondary sources on the Works you cited in the page correctly assemble  and format and they list in alphabetical order? 10 points.

Does it appear as if the essay has been proofread and correct for surface-level errors such as grammar errors. Sentence construction errors, and punctuation errors?. Below I will leave the Introduction paragraph that I have already wrote along with the 3 topic sentences for each body paragraph revise as needed above is the grading rubric essay must contain and correctly use all steps thanks

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