Tag Archives: Addiction
Mindful and Managing Suffering 2023 Best
For today’s assignment we will focus on being mindful and Managing Suffering: Addiction, Chronic Pain, and Terminal Illness. 1) Paragraph 1+: Referencing Sarah Elizabeth Gilbert’s dissertation research. Briefly explain the researcher’s approach to using mindfulness with substance abusers. Was this approach successful? Why or why not?
Mindful and Managing Suffering
Using the sources above and the files given: 1) Paragraph 1+: Referencing Sarah Elizabeth Gilbert’s dissertation research. Briefly explain the researcher’s approach to using mindfulness with substance abusers. Was this approach successful? Why or why not? 2) Paragraph 2+: Referencing the video “Mindfulness Exercise for Chronic Pain” Compare your experience with mindfulness practices thus far this semester with the approach the psychotherapist took to helping the individual with chronic pain. Do you think this would be effective for you? Why or why not?
Mindful and Managing Suffering
3) Paragraph 3+: Referencing “The Benefit of Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction to Patients with Terminal Cancer” What is the primary tactic of utilizing MBSR in working with individuals who are terminally ill? Describe at least one reason that research is challenging with terminally ill patients. 4) Paragraph 4+: To complete your response, compare and contrast the populations considered in this week’s content those who suffer from addiction those who suffer from pain/chronic pain the terminally ill by answering the following question.
Mindful and Managing Suffering
Is mindfulness something you would recommend versus more traditional treatments for any/all of these populations? Your answer should be more than a yes/no–provide explanation and justification for your answer(s). https://utk.primo.exlibrisgroup.com/permalink/01UTN_KNOXVILLE/bcmt7h/alma9925988670002311 https://www.psychotherapy.net/stream/UTK/video?vid=434https://youtu.be/OLQJJDrbj6Q
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The War On Drugs Show 2023 Best
In The War On Drugs Show, we examine the social implications of prohibition worldwide. Any attempt to shut down the trade in drugs such as heroin, cocaine, ecstasy, ketamine, or weed invariably sets off a chain of events that just makes things worse, leaving a trail of death, illness, violence, slavery, addiction, crime, and inequality across the globe.
The War On Drugs Show
Applying Ethics – Drugs, Guns, and Personal Liberty. Essay Topic; Drugs Videos for Drug Topic; *Need to Watch this 3 video’s Ethics – Drug Legalization and Criminalization (Link to video: https://youtu.be/DeItJM5i2JM) How America Got Hooked on Opioids – The War on Drugs (Link to video: https://youtu.be/GJc-YI7OWfY) – In The War On Drugs Show, we examine the social implications of prohibition worldwide. Any attempt to shut down the trade in drugs such as heroin, cocaine, ecstasy, ketamine, or weed invariably sets off a chain of events that just makes things worse, leaving a trail of death, illness, violence, slavery, addiction, crime, and inequality across the globe.
The War On Drugs Show
Everyone loses – except, in a weird kind of way, the drugs themselves. The World If… Drugs Become Legal (https://youtu.be/j5T-LYTPRVs) – As part of the Daily Watch ‘drugs week,’ we explore what the world might look like if legalization replaces the failing war on drugs. Join Tom Wainwright, Britain editor of The Economist and author of Narconomics, as he predicts what will happen to the cartels. Essay Instructions: Thoughtfully reflect on the issues discussed in the talks that you have watched. If you have chosen an alternative video to those on the list, please thoroughly identify the video. In your essay, please address the following questions:
The War On Drugs Show
1) What is the speaker’s point of view about the topic? Is the speaker biased? 2) What ethical issues and ethical reasoning are argued? 3) Do you think that the issues discussed have moral and ethical implications? Why or why not? 4) Do you agree with the speaker’s point of view? Be specific and thorough. Express how and why you agree or disagree and discuss how ethics and values contribute to your opinion. 5) Consider the theoretical concepts discussed in the course. Do not just state your viewpoint; rather provide relevant details to support your findings and/or position.
The document should be between 300-500 words in length. Any references to support your work must be cited in the most current APA7 format. *See Example in Attachment.
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Sociological Imagination 2022 Best
This assignment involves writing an essay discussing how and why the sociological imagination helps understand a chosen topic. The topic varies from Homelessness, Domestic violence, Addiction, and Obesity.
Sociological Imagination
Required Resources Read/review the following resources for this activity: Textbook: Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4 Weeks 1-2 Lessons 1 outside scholarly source in addition to the textbook/lesson Instructions The textbook readings for Weeks 1 and 2 explore social forces that can affect our lives as individuals. For this assignment, choose a private or individualistic act that could be regarded as a broader social problem or social issue. You may choose one of the following or a topic of your own: Homelessness, Domestic violence, Addiction, and Obesity. In a 2-page essay, address the following:
Sociological Imagination
Thoroughly explain what the sociological imagination is Thoroughly examine how and why the sociological imagination helps understand your chosen topic Incorporate one outside scholarly source you find on your topic. Your paper must contain scholarly support in the form of paraphrases *only* with respective citations from the assigned reading (the textbook/lesson) and the outside scholarly source that you identify on your own. Do not directly quote from sources for this paper, but instead paraphrase in your own words from source material and cite the sources with parenthetical in-text citations and with full APA-style reference on a reference page at the end of your essay.
Sociological Imagination
Writing Requirements (APA format)Length: Length: 2 pages (not including reference page) 1-inch margins Double spaced 12-point font Page number in the upper right of all pages Parenthetical in-text citations and reference page formatted in APA style Abstract and title page not required. https://youtu.be/ZTeVnVbRmJE
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