Tag Archives: evolution

Stages of Relationships 2023 Best

Stages of Relationships

Instructions: A. Read “Stages of Relationships” in the text Chapter 8 pp. 261-265. B. Answer the following two questions: Question #1: Analyze the evolution and stages of a present relationship.

Stages of Relationships

Instructions: A. Read “Stages of Relationships” in the text Chapter 8 pp. 261-265. B. Answer the following two questions: Question #1: Analyze the evolution and stages of a present relationship. The relationship you choose to describe can be family, romantic, friend, or work. Question #2: Analyze the evolution and stages of a past relationship. The relationship you choose to describe can be romantic, friend, or work. C. In each of the two questions you answer, cite at least three of the ten Stages of Relational Development identified in the text (pictured in Figure 8.1, page 262) to support your analysis of the relationship.

Stages of Relationships

For clarity, bold or underline each stage you cite, and include the specific text page you’re referencing. For example: Bonding (p. 263). The text describes bonding as “revealing to the world” of your relational commitment. When Jose married last year, he asked me to be his best man, and I was very involved in helping him and his family with the planning…”https://youtu.be/Umz9SgjRroY

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Functional fuzzy inference system 2022 Best

Functional fuzzy inference system

The learning outcomes that are assessed by this coursework are: 1. To be able to create a fully functional fuzzy inference system of your choosing. 2. To be able to identify and create suitable input and output variables for your system, with an appropriate rule base and inference engine.

Functional fuzzy inference system

The learning outcomes that are assessed by this coursework are: 1. To be able to create a fully functional fuzzy inference system of your choosing. 2. To be able to identify and create suitable input and output variables for your system, with an appropriate rule base and inference engine. 3. To be able to report and articulate upon the evolution and journey of the system. Tasks to be undertaken: You are to design, build, test and evaluate a fuzzy logic inference system. The system itself will be of your choosing, however, there must be a minimum of 3 input variables, and at least 1 output variable.

As this is somewhat open-ended, you are expected to survey the relevant literature for guidance and inspiration.

Functional fuzzy inference system

The system itself can be tested on theoretical data (create your own indicative data), or real world data. The fuzzy logic system will be accompanied by a detailed report. The report MUST NOT exceed 12 pages. If 12 pages is exceeded, you will not lose marks, I will however stop marking after 12 pages: × The references/bibliography will NOT BE included in the page count. × The title page, table of contents and abstract, if you decide to include them will NOT BE included in the page count. × The appendices, if you decide to use appendices will NOT BE included in the page count.

Everything included in the main body of the report WILL BE included in the page count.

Functional fuzzy inference system

To provide enough detail to obtain the higher marks, you should aim to satisfy the mark scheme. Deliverables to be submitted for assessment: × A single uploaded report which will provide a similarity index. DO NOT exceed 25% similarity: × You could adopt if you wish, the following structure or variation of: × Title Page, table of contents, abstract (NOT included in page count). × Introduction (Possibly 0.5 pages). × A review of relevant literature (Possibly 2 pages). × An overview of your approach to this problem (Possibly 2 pages).

A technical description of your fuzzy system including, variables, set, rulebase and And/Or/Implication/DE fuzzification operator choice with justification (Possibly 3.5 pages).

Functional fuzzy inference system

× Experimental design and evaluation – performance of your fuzzy system including the design and results of an experiment (Possibly 2 pages). × Critical reflection (Possibly a single page). × Conclusion (Possibly a single page). × Bibliography, references, cited works (NOT included in page count). × Appendices – Optional (NOT included in page count). × A zipped folder containing: the project code – this will include ALL MATLAB file(s) (.m file) and any external file(s) such as data files and any additional files. https://youtu.be/CBTEVFphv-E

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The genesis of social entropy. 2022 Best

The genesis of social entropy.

For this assignment we will explore  the genesis of social entropy. In The Evolving Self, the author makes the point that failure to achieve a self that combines interconnectedness along with complexity and integration results in social entropy (Chapter 9).

The genesis of social entropy.

FINAL Paper Prompts for PHL 230* Fall, 2022 Answer one question of your choice. In 8 pages, write a well-formulated response to one of the questions posed below. As in your first paper, make sure that you develop your thoughts in well-formulated arguments, and in a manner that is well-organized. 1) In The Evolving Self, the author makes the point that failure to achieve a self that combines interconnectedness along with complexity and integration results in social entropy (Chapter 9). What is the genesis of this social entropy, and how and why are complexity and integration crucial for the transcendent self to continue evolving?

The genesis of social entropy.

2) Starting with an incontrovertible need for faith to continue the project of continued evolution (to prevent what the author calls, “ a monstrous evolutionary miscarriage” p.276 chapter 9, in chapter 10 the authors writes: “And when we start to identify with the evolution of complexity, when we begin to recognize our kinship with the rest of creation, then it will be easier for us to free ourselves from the constricting needs of the self, from the terror of meaningless mortality,” p.292 (Chapter 10).

What does the author mean by this? How are the conditions for the emergent transcendent self tied to this recognition and how do we escape the meaningless of mortality—as described throughout the book—by the author to live a life of flow and deep meaning?

The genesis of social entropy.

3) Todd May’s goal in a Decent Life is —among other things— to permit us to live a decent life without falling into a self-sacrificial life of altruism that might be too demanding of persons as we find them in the empirical world. In A Significant Life, the chief goal seems to be how to craft a meaningful life predicated on narrative values and moral values. How does Ayn Rand’s essay, THE OBJECTIVIST ETHICS, attempt to address the question of altruism by diverting the question of whether altruism is ever a proper moral standard by which to appraise a meaningful life?

That is, why for her is altruism evil to begin with, and a moral goal no person of self-esteem should pursue?

The genesis of social entropy.

Rand believes that the pursuit of one’s rational happiness is one’s highest moral purpose and the end of human striving. May claims in A Significant Life that happiness is not enough. Where do you find yourself in the debate between Rand and May? Is self-esteem, as Rand defines it in its literal sense (placing the interests of others above one’s own; and serving others in order to justify one’s existence) truly so reprehensible that it ought to be purged from any moral metric; a metric that states in its inverse form: altruism is noble, but it is too hard for us to practice?


Rand would say: Altruism in calling for the individual to be a sacrificial animal is too evil a phenomenon for any self-respecting person to aspire towards.

The genesis of social entropy.

Formulate a thesis statement around any of the aforementioned formulations and write an essay defending a position you have staked out. 4) This question is taken from Chapter 4—Predators and Parasites in the “Further Thoughts” section at the end of the chapter. It reads: Those of us who were born in the technologically advanced “first world” automatically inherit advantages that are envied and resented by many third-world natives, who feel exploited by us. Their trees go to make our furniture, their air is fouled by our emission, they are forced to trade nonrenewable raw materials and labor for cheap manufactured goods.

DO we have a responsibility to ameliorate this state of affairs? And if yes, what can you do about it? P.115 (Chapter 4). https://youtu.be/mAOIW3yxjTU

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Development of an innovative solution 2022 Best

Development of an innovative solution

The project involves the development of an innovative solution to a business/social/environmental challenge following the innovation process, and using creative and innovation techniques presented in the module (workshops and lectures)

Development of an innovative solution

Development of an innovative solution to a business/social/environmental challenge following the innovation process, and using creative and innovation techniques presented in the module. The project involves the development of an innovative solution to a business/social/environmental challenge following the innovation process, and using creative and innovation techniques presented in the module (workshops and lectures). The potential solution may include an innovative product, service, process, procedures or technology. Use the activities proposed in each workshop from week 1 to 6 to support the development of the innovation.

Development of an innovative solution

These activities will be the base of your reflection. The emphasis of this assessment is valuing both process and proposed outcome. The self-evaluation needs to be kept from the start of the assessment process as a reflective log (word document). It should not exceed 1,000 words excluding references and appendices (there is a tolerance of 10% in the number of words). It will analyze and evaluate the creativity and innovation process of developing the solution to a business/social/environmental challenge, as well as how the innovation process was managed considering relevant literature. The self-evaluation should chart your reflections and reactions as the innovation project progresses.

Development of an innovative solution

It should illustrate the interconnection of the theoretical and the practical, the evolution of your own knowledge development, and the rationale for the decisions made. Your self-evaluation should capture what caused you to learn, innovate and change during the innovation process. The assessment of the self-evaluation will consider the width of topics covered, the depth of learning and the journey you describe. It must include a theoretical base for arguments and should be referenced in the normal academic manner. https://youtu.be/Mtjatz9r-Vc

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