Tag Archives: motivation

All My Sons character analysis 2023 Best

All My Sons character analysis

All My Sons character analysis: Guiding questions: How does the playwright describe the chosen character? What does the chosen character say that gives insight into who he/she is? What does the chosen character do that gives insight into who he/she is? W

All My Sons character analysis

Character Analysis “To All My Son’s) Ann Deever or Chris Keller (one or the other). Who is the character you are playing? Include age, physical type, personality, important background information (history), relationship to the other characters in the play and in the scene you are performing. Make a list of what the text tells you about your character: How does the playwright describe my character? What does my character say that gives insight into who he/she is? What does my character do that gives insight into who he/she is? What do other characters say about my character that gives insight into who he/she is? B. For the Play: Super-Objective, Motivation, & Tactics What is your character’s Super-Objective for the entire play?

All My Sons character analysis

What is your character’s Motivation? What is the Obstacle that stands in your character’s way? Identify at least 4 Tactics your character uses throughout the play to get what he/she wants. Does your character succeed in getting what he/she wants in the play? C. For Your Scene: Objective, Motivation, & Tactics What is your character’s Immediate Objective in your scene? What is your character’s Motivation for this objective? What is the Obstacle that stands in your character’s way in this scene? What are the Tactics your character uses in this scene to get what he/she wants? Does your character succeed in getting what he/she wants in the scene? https://youtu.be/TEFRgmRo4pc

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 Organizational Behavior Application Paper 2023 Best

 Organizational Behavior Application Paper

Organizational Behavior Application Paper: Week 8 Assignments The study of individual and group behavior in organizational settings has included topics such as diversity, motivation, team effectiveness, decision-making, conflict and negotiation, organizational communication, power and influence, and organizational culture.

 Organizational Behavior Application Paper

Grading Rubric: Organizational Behavior Application Paper Length: Paper: 7 – 8 double-spaced pages (excluding title and Reference pages).  Post: Week 8 Assignments The study of individual and group behavior in organizational settings has included topics such as diversity, motivation, team effectiveness, decision-making, conflict and negotiation, organizational communication, power and influence, and organizational culture. From the topics studied in OLCU 300, select three (3) that have changed your thinking and/or behavior, and have or will make a difference in your professional and/or personal effectiveness to discuss in the OB Application Paper.

 Organizational Behavior Application Paper

The paper should begin with an introductory paragraph and include a discussion of the three selected topics (OB concepts), a reflective analysis, and a conclusion. For each selected topic, you will define and describe the concept including the theoretical background, link it to your experiences, and discuss how you will transfer learning to implement the concept in your professional and/or personal life. A key element of this paper requires you to reflect on the impact learning OB has had or will have on you and your effectiveness. The paper should be specific; your grade will be determined by how well you demonstrate an understanding of key concepts and their impact.

 Organizational Behavior Application Paper

You are encouraged to use specific examples to illustrate key points While the focus of the paper is on your learning, insights, and real-world applications, it must be grounded on course concepts, including appropriate citations and a Reference page. Use expert citations from your textbook and respected authors such as found in articles or books retrieved from Brandman’s virtual library to define and describe each concept. For each of the three topics you choose to discuss:  Define and briefly describe the concept (topic) and why it is important in OB; identify major theories and/or theorists as appropriate.

 Organizational Behavior Application Paper

Connect the concept with your experiences outside the classroom and discuss how your thinking and/or behavior has or will change. ● Describe how you will transfer learning and implement the concept; be specific about the impact of thinking and/or behaving differently ● Reflect on your learning and why this concept has or will enhance your professional and/or personal effectiveness. https://youtu.be/eJru9z1XTQQ

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Case analysis on specialty teas 2023 Best

Case analysis on specialty teas

This assignment involves writing a case analysis on specialty teas business. Questions 1. You need to perform a SWOT analysis on the company 2. What do you think of STs strategy of selling only to “high end” retail outlets? 3. ST still maintains a very loyal following for its product.

Case analysis on specialty teas

Questions 1. You need to perform a SWOT analysis on the company 2. What do you think of STs strategy of selling only to “high end” retail outlets? 3. ST still maintains a very loyal following for its product. How should the company ensure growth, or at least maintenance, of this customer base? 4. How would you characterize the internal communications of the company? 5. What communication habits and behaviors have been established by leadership within the company to date? Evaluate how this communication influences motivation, innovation, and productivity within the company. 6. ST has a relatively complex supply chain, starting with growers in tea producing countries.

Case analysis on specialty teas

Discuss opportunities and challenges for the company in managing this chain. Case Analysis For your case analysis, you will need to conduct a SWOT analysis on the company and answer the questions at the end of the case. This is an overview of the SWOT analysis: SWOT ANALYSIS SWOT analysis is a method for analyzing a business, its resources and its environment. SWOT is commonly used as part of strategic planning and looks at: · Internal strengths · Internal weaknesses · Opportunities in the external environment · Threats in the external environment The key point to remember about SWOT is that: Strengths and weaknesses · Are internal to the business · Relate to the present situation Opportunities and threats · Are external to the business.

Case analysis on specialty teas

Relate to changes in the environment which will impact the business · Another way of looking at opportunities and threats is to envision them as the favorable and unfavorable external trends that a company is facing in the environment. Opportunities are the favorable trends and threats the negative trends. Internal Strengths and Weaknesses · Financial resources, such as cash reserves · Labor and managerial skills, such as the expertise to produce high-technology products or to manage large advertising budgets · Production capacity and efficient equipment · Research and development skills and patents · Control over key raw materials, as in the ownership of energy resources.

Case analysis on specialty teas

Size and expertise of the sales force · Efficient or effective distribution channels and systems · Environmental Threats and Opportunities · The Cooperative Environment (suppliers, resellers, other departments in the firm, sub departments and employees of the marketing department. · The competitive environment. Opportunities in the environment for 1) Acquiring competing firms; 2) offering demonstrably better value to consumers and attracting them away from competitors; and 3) in some cases, driving competitors out of the industry. Also the globalization of business. Competitors do not only come from the domestic arena, but they could be headquartered anywhere.

Case analysis on specialty teas

Technology might provide competitors with an advantage and changing channels of distribution could make your business obsolete. · The economic environment. The state of the macroeconomy. What foreign nations are growing and which ones have remained stagnant. What are the forecasts for the domestic economy? Income distribution, savings, debt and credit availability, outsourcing and free trade. · The social environment: what are some of the major social trends? Some foreign countries (in Asia and Africa) are experiencing an explosion of population while some others (Japan and Europe) are facing a drastic decline of births and a shrinking population.

Case analysis on specialty teas

In the US we have seen changes in family structure, the aging of the population, the ethnic composition of the population, and the movement of people from northern to sunbelt states. · The political/legal environment: How regulated is the business environment? European countries tend to have a lot of regulations, while in the US we have experienced deregulation in recent years. Growth of special interest groups (for example, non-governmental organizations). · The technological environment: changes in technology can assist or harm a business. The introduction of the personal computer was a major threat for IBM. https://youtu.be/jerRxaeUL2M

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Impact of environmental risks 2023 Best

Impact of environmental risks

The impact of environmental risks on elementary school children’s health. The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate your ability to review and summarize five (5) original research articles on a health Services Administration topic.

Impact of environmental risks

Provide an outline of your paper. The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate your ability to review and summarize five (5) original research articles on a health Services Administration topic. Remember, use the five (5) research articles proposed in assignment #3 submission. Paper Outline I. Introduction a. Motivation to study this topic (Why this work is important; keep general and cite statements) b. Objectives (Goals of this paper) c. Organizational overview of the paper (will review 5 research articles etc.). II. Literature Review a. background information on the topic b. specific information to assist the reader’s understanding b. key terms

Impact of environmental risks

III. Analysis Approach (What was done; describe the population/subjects, methods, type of research; statistics used, etc.) a. authors last name (Research article 1) b. authors last name (Research article 2) c. authors last name (Research article 3) d. authors last name (Research article 4) e. authors last name (Research article 5) IV. Results (What was found) a. authors last name (Research article 1) b. authors last name (Research article 2) c. authors last name (Research article 3) d. authors last name (Research article 4) e. authors last name (Research article 5) V. Discussion (how results contribute to knowledge in the field, e.g. compare results to literature)

Impact of environmental risks

a. Heading for discussion b. gaps in the research review c. overall strengths and weaknesses of the research articles d. Needed future work in the field VI. Conclusions a. Summary of objectives and approach of this paper b. Major findings of this paper c. Important implications of this paper’s findings d. Recommendations based upon the review of these 5 research articles.https://youtu.be/Yt1rQusBblU

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Strategy change management. 2022 Best

Strategy change management.

This assignment is about strategy change management. Scenario: Managing change is tough, but part of the problem is that there is little agreement on what factors most influence transformation initiatives.

Strategy change management.

Paper instructions: ASSIGNMENT TASKS This assignment consists of two tasks. Task 1 is a report writing task, while Task 2 is a reflective report. Task 1 (Report, 80 marks)- Maximum word count: 3500 words Word count note: Maximum word limit: The maximum expected word count for both the tasks is 4500 words, excluding references (any additional text will be discarded for evaluation). Scenario: Managing change is tough, but part of the problem is that there is little agreement on what factors most influence transformation initiatives.

Strategy change management.

Ask five executives to name the one factor critical for the success of these programs, and you’ll probably get five different answers. That’s because each manager looks at an initiative from his or her viewpoint and, based on personal experience, focuses on different success factors. The experts, too, offer different perspectives. A recent search on Amazon.com for books on “change and management” turned up 6,153 titles, each with a distinct take on the topic. Those ideas have a lot to offer, but taken together, they force companies to tackle many priorities simultaneously, which spreads resources and skills thin.

Strategy change management.

Moreover, executives use different approaches in different parts of the organisation, which compounds the turmoil that usually accompanies change. In recent years, many change management gurus have focused on soft issues, such as culture, leadership, and motivation. Such elements are important for success, but managing these aspects alone isn’t sufficient to implement transformation projects. Soft factors don’t directly influence the outcomes of many change programs. For instance, visionary leadership is often vital for transformation projects, but not always. The same can be said about communication with employees.

Strategy change management.

Moreover, changing attitudes or relationships is difficult; they’re deeply ingrained in organisations and people. And although changes in, say, culture or motivation levels can be indirectly gauged through surveys and interviews, it’s tough to get reliable data on soft factors. Read the full article here: https://hbr.org/2005/10/the-hard-side-of-change-management Report Information: Your task is to find a client organisation that has to change and help them manage this change. The organisation you need to analyze could be the organisation you work for, or one in which you are involved in your private capacity or any other organisation you know that might need assistance .

Strategy change management.

Analyze the key decision makers in the organisation and determine the challenges, what needs to change and the consequences of not changing. Apply change tools and models and develop a change strategy and plan. Also show how the organisation can lead its stakeholders in developing and adopting the strategy for change, how they should plan to implement the chosen change strategy and how they should deal with resistance. Reflect what you have learnt from this process and what you could have been done better. Write up the total process in a written assignment format by answering the questions below.

Strategy change management.

Although this academic report could be of value to the client who could use it to implement the recommendation, strict academic guidelines such as referring to credible academic journals and articles and following the Harvard referencing format must be adhered to. Note: – Primary data collection is not required for the assignment; only information gathering is expected from client organisations. 1. Executive Summary [5 Marks] 2. Introduction of the Chosen Organization and background to change [10 Marks]

Strategy change management.

3. Examine the need for change in the organisation. Assess the factors that drive the need for strategic change and critically evaluate the resource implications for not responding to these changes. [15 Marks] 4. Explain any two change management models and evaluate the relevance of these models in the chosen organisation. [10 Marks] 5. Describe any three significant types of changes in the chosen organisation and evaluate their implications on the organisational performance. [15 Marks] 6. Investigate the barriers to change during the changes in question 5, and explain how the chosen organisation overcame those barriers?

Strategy change management.

[15 Marks] 7. Conclusions and recommendations. [10 Marks] Task 2 (Reflective Report, 20 marks)- Maximum word count: 1000 words This is a reflective report; a Reflective Report is a piece of writing that summarizes a student’s critical reflection on a subject. Report guidelines are as follows: a. Curiosity: What made you curious in this module? How does learning feel different when you’re curious? [5 Marks] b. Description: What’s the most important concept you learned in this module? Why do you think so? [5 Marks] c. Self Realization: Which topic brought out the best in yourself as a student, and why do you think that is?  https://youtu.be/XSecHkiwj8s

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Real-world organizational issues 2022 Best

Real-world organizational issues

This paper uses organizational behavior concepts to alleviate real-world organizational issues and recommend solutions to those issues to the satisfaction of organizational stakeholders.

Real-world organizational issues

Case Study Assignment #1 Instructions For this assignment you will write this as a research report making sure to use APA. Do NOT use 1st or 2nd person, I want to see 3rd person along with citations and references! This assignment supports the Course Objectives 4, 8, and 9 listed in our syllabus. 4. Understand and apply concepts relating to job satisfaction, stress, motivation, ethics, and decision making. 8. Analyze real-world organizational situations, and diagnose the critical issues and stakeholder concerns to be addressed. 9. Use organizational behavior concepts to alleviate real-world organizational issues and recommend solutions to those issues to the satisfaction of organizational stakeholders.

Real-world organizational issues

Read the following W-Home is a homeowner’s insurance firm in Wonderland. The firm hires 200 clerical workers to handle insurance claims. Each employee handles a single task within the insurance claim process. For example, some employees take the insurance claim calls, some employees divide the cases by accident types, some employees calculate the insurance claim amount, some employees prepare the documents, etc. There are five-line managers supervising the clerical employees. Their pay was about the average for secretarial and clerical jobs in Wonderland. Their salaries are adjusted yearly across the board for inflation.

Real-world organizational issues

There was also a year-end bonus that can range from 0 to 30 percent of their yearly salary. The year-end bonus was determined by the total number of insurance claims that the company has handled in a given year. According to the line managers, the biggest complaint that the clerical workers have is their work environment. The offices for the clerical workers are in ten separate buildings side-by-side. These buildings were used to be private houses and are about 120 years old. The heating and air conditioning do not work well, and they often get too warm in the summer and too cold in the winter. The office space is small and cramped with the bathrooms being unclean.

Real-world organizational issues

There is no cafeteria, and the workers have to bring lunch from their home. There are also only few parking spaces in the building, and many employees have a hard time finding parking spaces nearby. The line managers consider this poor work environment as the cause for the low level of job satisfaction and motivation of clerical workers. They have asked the management to take actions to address the problem for the last ten years. After having enough complaints from the clerical workers and their line managers, the management of W-home has decided to purchase a new office building for the clerical workers.

Real-world organizational issues

The building is brand new and can accommodate all the clerical workers and line managers. All the workers now have their working spaces in a large, bright, and temperature controlled room. The building also has a cafeteria with a great list of menus each day. The bathrooms are clean with all the state-of-the-art features. The building also has a large parking lot that can accommodate all the cars of the employees. For the first two months after moving to the new office, the clerical employees seemed excited, and their job satisfaction has increased. But after these two months, the results were disappointing.  https://youtu.be/EZtaj49IdlA

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