Theme of war and death 2022 Best
In this assignment we will explore theme of war and death, according to Brooke and Owen. Assignment Sheet: Research Paper Length: 5-7 pages, not including the Works Cited page Write a 5-page paper on one of the following topics
Theme of war and death
Assignment Sheet: Research Paper Length: 5-7 pages, not including the Works Cited page Write a 5-page paper on one of the following topics. Please be aware that the topics listed are there to help you generate your own ideas; you must develop a specific thesis, or argument, that somehow relates to one of these themes. Remember: a thesis statement should arise from a question you have about the work(s) (i.e., “What is the purpose of war, according to Brooke and Owen?”). Your thesis statement should be an answer to this question (i.e., “Whereas Brooke believes the purpose of war to be ______, Owen instead shows that the purpose of war is __________”).
Theme of war and death
You should use the rest of the paper to support your own unique argument with specific examples from the text and with research. Think of the thesis statement as your radical declaration; think of the rest of the paper as the evidence that supports your radical declaration. (A strong thesis statement in a research paper will be very narrow and focused. A thesis that seems too narrow is always preferable to a thesis that is too broad.). You may choose to write your paper on one or two works we have read since your last paper, and you are required to consult and use at least three outside sources in your paper.
Theme of war and death
The options for research are limitless: you might choose to look up a name or word’s meaning as part of your research; you might look up or read about historical references in a work; you could read an analysis of the work you intend to write about; or you could research the author or time period of the work under consideration. Pay attention to words or moments in these works that confuse you; a work calls for research if it confuses or perplexes you in some way. Because you are consulting an outside source, your paper must include a Works Cited list.
Remember, for most of these topics you should develop your own reading before you conduct the bulk of your research.
Theme of war and death
Be sure you have your own ideas before you read about the ideas of others; this will allow you to understand where you need to use research to flesh out your own readings. Finally, be sure to give credit, through in-line citations and quotation, for ANY ideas and words that are not your own. If you use someone else’s words and ideas without giving proper credit, you are plagiarizing; as I said in the syllabus, nothing in our academic community is worse than plagiarism, so don’t do it! .
Theme of war and death
While you may use your practice paper as the basis of your final paper, your final paper MUST meet all of the requirements outlined here and must consist of at least 50% new material. Remember: the focus must be ARGUABLE and must keep its focus on the musical FIRST (ie, it is a literature paper first, and a history paper second).
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