Tag Archives: literature

The Cake Walk 2023 Best

The Cake Walk, a popular dance originating on slave plantations in which “uppity” masters are mocked openly https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LqpINmqxlsc 3. For the work you choose from above, answer the following questions:

The Cake Walk

The Cake Walk, a popular dance originating on slave plantations in which “uppity” masters are mocked openly https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LqpINmqxlsc 3. For the work you choose from above, answer the following questions: a. What is the work you chose? Identify its title, genre (music, literature, visual art, or dance), and its creator/performer. b. Why did you choose this work? c. Describe the work in detail. Be specific. If music, describe the sounds, lyrics (if any) and effect; if literature, the words and themes; if art, the images and mood; if dance, the movement and the suggestion.

The Cake Walk

d. How does this work reflect the characteristics and course of the Harlem Renaissance? Remember this question requires analysis 4. Next find a second and different example of Harlem Renaissance artistic expression on your own online or in a library, etc. You cannot use a second example from what I provided in this document. You should choose a genre that is different from your first example. For example, if you choose literature in Steps 2 and 3, choose music, visual art, or dance this time. 5. For the work you choose independently, answer the following questions: a. What is the work you chose? https://youtu.be/0stVuBlFijc

The Cake Walk

Identify its title, genre (music, literature, visual art, or dance), and its creator/performer. b. Where did you find this work? (In other words, provide your source.) c. Why did you choose this work? d. Describe the work in detail. Be specific. If music, describe the sounds, lyrics (if any) and effect; if literature, the words and themes; if art, the images and mood; if dance, the movement and the suggestion. e. How does this work reflect the characteristics and course of the Harlem Renaissance? Remember this question requires analysis.

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Protein supplements for weightlifting. 2023 Best

This paper explores protein supplements for weightlifting. The main body of the paper will be 6 – 8 pages in length, excluding the title page and reference page. Must be double-spaced with 1” margins, left justified, and Times New Roman or Times 12 point font.

Protein supplements for weightlifting.

What is the best source of protein for a person who is into weightlifting and heavy exercise? Meat protein or over the counter supplements such as protein powders? 1. The main body of the paper will be 6 – 8 pages in length, excluding the title page and reference page. Must be double-spaced with 1” margins, left justified, and Times New Roman or Times 12 point font. 2. Must include a minimum of five (5) references (at least three must be a journal, book, or article that is peer-reviewed, not a website, although the journal, book, or article may be accessed online.)

Protein supplements for weightlifting.

Do NOT use sources such as Web MD, Wikipedia, or Dr. Oz! You must have valid, academic resources. 3. Must include an abstract, your reference page and in-text citations*. 4. Will use American Psychological Association (APA) format style, 6th Edition or later, which includes parenthetical references in the body of the paper that coincide with your reference page. https://youtu.be/42PTdcxTfpc

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Strategic thinking models 2023 Best

During Week 2, much focus is placed on various strategic thinking models and the impact upon the overall organizational strategic process. Now that you have a broad knowledge of your chosen organization,

Strategic thinking models

During Week 2, much focus is placed on various strategic thinking models and the impact upon the overall organizational strategic process. Now that you have a broad knowledge of your chosen organization, it is time to dig a bit deeper into the structure and the process by which decisions are made within the company. Define the specific organizational design and the governance structure of the chosen company. Support your choices with specific examples and research. During Week 1, you researched and identified a specific problem or challenge the organization is experiencing. Describe the challenge and explain why it is a problem for the organization.

Strategic thinking models

Include how the problem is or has the potential to affect the strategies of the company. Be specific and support your findings. Section 2 of the paper must have at a minimum two full pages of content (excluding the cover and reference pages). You must include at a minimum two scholarly resources (in addition to the text) that support specific strategies used to prepare the paper. Wikipedia is not a qualified resource. Use the Scholarly, Peer-Reviewed, and Other Credible SourcesLinks to an external site. document for additional guidance. Include the text as a scholarly resource to support theory and concepts related to strategy.

Strategic thinking models

During the construction of Section 2, be specific and refrain from assumption. The Section 2 of the Capstone Paper Must be at least two double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA StyleLinks to an external site. as outlined in the Writing Center’s APA Formatting for Microsoft WordLinks to an external site.. Must include a separate title page with the following: Title of paper Student’s name Course name and number Instructor’s name Date submitted Must utilize academic voice. See the Academic VoiceLinks to an external site. resource for additional guidance.

Strategic thinking models

Must include an introduction and conclusion paragraph. Your introduction paragraph needs to end with a clear thesis statement that indicates the purpose of your paper. For assistance on writing Introductions & ConclusionsLinks to an external site. as well as Writing a Thesis StatementLinks to an external site., refer to the Writing Center resources. Must use at least two scholarly, peer-reviewed credible sources in addition to the course text. The Scholarly, Peer-Reviewed, and Other Credible SourcesLinks to an external site. table offers additional guidance on appropriate source types.

Strategic thinking models

If you have questions about whether a specific source is appropriate for his assignment, please contact your instructor. Your instructor has the final say about the appropriateness of a specific source for a particular assignment. Must document any information used from sources in APA Style as outlined in the Writing Center’s APA: Citing Within Your PaperLinks to an external site. guide. Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA Style as outlined in the Writing Center. See the APA: Formatting Your References ListLinks to an external site. resource in the Writing Center for specifications. https://youtu.be/z2NYJJ7XTrc

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Twelve Paradoxical Quotations 2023 Best

This paper explores the Twelve Paradoxical Quotations. The purpose of your essay is to demonstrate your understanding of a paradox as a subject for written analysis and application to real life.

Twelve Paradoxical Quotations.

English 102: Write a three page essay that explores a paradox. Choose one of the quotations listed on the page “Twelve Paradoxical Quotations” (located in this week’s module) as your subject. Each of these quotations expresses a paradox. The purpose of your essay is to demonstrate your understanding of a paradox as a subject for written analysis and application to real life. Use your chosen quotation as a starting point for your essay. Incorporate your chosen quotation into your essay’s introductory paragraph. If you agree with the paradox, you could almost conceive of it as a readymade thesis for your essay, leaving you the task of supporting, developing, and applying the paradox in a few more ways.

Twelve Paradoxical Quotations.

Even if you don’t immediately agree–or even fully understand–your chosen paradox, you can still use the quote as a starting point for your exploration. Either way, the quote should be presented word for word, enclosed within quotation marks, and attributed its author. To develop and explore your chosen paradox: 1. Look at the wording of the quote more closely, commenting on the meanings and intentions of the quote itself. 2. Find and include specific examples from literature, films, or real life that seem to fit or connect with the logic of the paradox. 3. Supply three additional quotations relevant to the general subjects of your chosen paradox.

Twelve Paradoxical Quotations.

You can systematically search for such quotations by inserting topic words from your initial paradox quote (such as “tolerance” or “quotations about “tolerance”) into an online search engine. Once selected, these additional quotations should be incorporated into your paper to enhance the overall quality of your exploration of paradox. Use MLA format for all text pages of your essay. No works cited page is required for this essay; citations of quoted authors/sources in your text will be sufficient. Submit your essay as a file upload to canvas. https://youtu.be/y8GSkkS5lj8

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Research in Educational Leadership. 2023 Best

This assignment entails writing a scholarly essay of engaging with Research in Educational Leadership.

Research in Educational Leadership.

Assignment (100%): a 4000-word scholarly, critical analysis and reflection as follows: Part 1: Literature Review A critical literature review in relation to an aspect of educational leadership. As well as providing a substantive review of the literature it should include an explanation of how sources were chosen and why: for example, what parameters were set; what search terms used and why. Critical reflections on lessons learnt about carrying out a literature review should be included within the assignment. Choose a topic, ideally one which might be of interest for your dissertation.

Research in Educational Leadership.

Write a thematic literature review on this topic. You should:  Compare and contrast the findings about this topic from previous research (i.e.do NOT just summarize the publications).  Critically evaluate the body of research throughout your comparison.  Come to a conclusion about the strengths and weaknesses of current research on the topic.  Outline if there are any research gaps on this topic (i.e. areas that have been under-researched and are in need of more attention in future research). Important note: You will NOT be able to use this assignment directly as a chapter in your dissertation.

Research in Educational Leadership.

Therefore, choose a topic that is related to your dissertation interests or broader than your particular dissertation idea, so that you can still use the information you learn (but not the exact words you write). Your literature review should deal with the character and nature of the work you are reviewing. If it is a research focused source then you need to provide details of how the data was collected and analysed, so some information with regard to methodology. If it is a theoretical source, you should identify this and provide an insights as to how the theory was generated, or what theory was applied.

Research in Educational Leadership.

Ultimately, this is in order for you to be able to give an authoritative view on how reliable, and relevant the research is to your review, your narrative and your argument. Page | 2 If you do not engage with the character of the literature in this way, then you will not be addressing the learning outcomes as developed, throughout this Unit ‘Engaging with Research in Educational Leadership’. For example, do not write a descriptive and discursive ‘essay’ which involves the literature to back up the points you are making, instead of getting into the details of the research.

Research in Educational Leadership.

Requirements:  A clear topic in the form of a title or question which is related to the field of education  Minimum 10-12 academic sources (you can use more)  Only academic sources used (books, journal articles, reliable research reports)  Most sources should be research-based This assignment is worth 75% of your overall module mark. Word count: 3,000 words (+/- 10%). Part 2: Critical Reflection A reflective account of your learning on the course unit and the influence this had had on your professional practice. You should show how your thinking has developed since the beginning of the course.

Research in Educational Leadership.

For those who can, you may draw on the discussions you had during the opening conference. Alternatively, you can refer to your first postings and portfolio contributions from the early themes or unit one. This is intended to show the ‘baseline’ understanding they established to think about how your knowledge is developing as a result of this course unit and how this has, or can influence your professional practice. Word count: 1,000 words (+/- 10%). Please note there is the opportunity to submit a draft reflection for your tutor to give feedback on. Submit your draft by the beginning of Week 8 (please see Key Dates for exact deadline), via your PebblePad portfolio.

Research in Educational Leadership.

Page | 3 Suggested structure Part 1: Literature Review Introduction: explain the topic and context, why the topic is important (using evidence!), and give any necessary definitions (250-300 words) Approach: explain how you found your sources, what databases you used, what keywords you used, and what selection or exclusion criteria you applied and why (200-300 words) Main body: organize your paragraphs according to themes or issues which appear in the research. Choose themes that appear in several sources to let you compare. Critically evaluate throughout. You could divide this into 2-3 sections with subheadings. (1800-2100 words)

Research in Educational Leadership.

Conclusion: reach an overall evaluation of what is known, the strengths and weaknesses of current research in the area, and what research gap(s) exist (i.e. what future research still needs to find out) (250-300 words) Part 2: The Critical Reflection The critical literature review requires some preparation and guidance. It will encompass 25% of the marks, so you should apportion 1000 words +/- 10%. to this task. For this reflective account you should use Gibbs (1988) reflective cycle. https://youtu.be/9ekcWQxgk3k

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Child protective agencies 2023 Best

This paper explores alternative responses to investigation are available to child protective agencies in your state. Write a five (5) page paper detailing the alternatives that do exist.

Child protective agency

What alternative responses to investigation are available to child protective agencies in your state. Write a five (5) page paper detailing the alternatives that do exist. Then compare and contrast the alternative responses available in your state to the alternative responses available in two other states. Additionally review the available literature on alternative responses and make recommendation on how your state might, through additional alternate responses to investigation better meet the needs of its children.  https://youtu.be/HPGVMkvDhqE

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Writing a reflection Memo 2023 Best

Writing a reflection Memo focusing on Memo #1: “How Not To Fix U.S. Healthcare…” Readings for This Reflection Reading: “Big Med…” article (45 min.) https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2012/08/13/big-med

Writing a reflection Memo

Reflection Memo #1: “How Not To Fix U.S. Healthcare…” Readings for This Reflection Reading: “Big Med…” article (45 min.) https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2012/08/13/big-med Reading: “How not to fix U.S. Healthcare…” (30 min.) https://www.forbes.com/sites/stevedenning/2012/08/13/how-not-to-fix-us-health-care-copy-the-cheesecake-factory/?sh=4ea89ea72bd2. These reflections should be 1 to 1 ½ pages in length single-spaced. These submissions are due on the day the respective article will be discussed in class. In the reflection memo, please discuss your thoughts on the article e.g.  What surprised you?   How does it relate to what we have discussed in class?

Writing a reflection Memo

Do you have personal experiences that you can relate to the article? Ø What thoughts do you have that expand on the article?  What do you think happens next? The key point to remember is that the paper is NOT a test…the goal is NOT to summarize the article or to answer an exam question, rather it is to explore your own thoughts and ideas about a topic. The following reference may help you structure your reflection memo: https://coffin.files.wordpress.com/2012/09/writing-an-article-reflection.pdf (Uploaded). https://youtu.be/my8O64JDlx4

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Functional fuzzy inference system 2022 Best

The learning outcomes that are assessed by this coursework are: 1. To be able to create a fully functional fuzzy inference system of your choosing. 2. To be able to identify and create suitable input and output variables for your system, with an appropriate rule base and inference engine.

Functional fuzzy inference system

The learning outcomes that are assessed by this coursework are: 1. To be able to create a fully functional fuzzy inference system of your choosing. 2. To be able to identify and create suitable input and output variables for your system, with an appropriate rule base and inference engine. 3. To be able to report and articulate upon the evolution and journey of the system. Tasks to be undertaken: You are to design, build, test and evaluate a fuzzy logic inference system. The system itself will be of your choosing, however, there must be a minimum of 3 input variables, and at least 1 output variable.

As this is somewhat open-ended, you are expected to survey the relevant literature for guidance and inspiration.

Functional fuzzy inference system

The system itself can be tested on theoretical data (create your own indicative data), or real world data. The fuzzy logic system will be accompanied by a detailed report. The report MUST NOT exceed 12 pages. If 12 pages is exceeded, you will not lose marks, I will however stop marking after 12 pages: × The references/bibliography will NOT BE included in the page count. × The title page, table of contents and abstract, if you decide to include them will NOT BE included in the page count. × The appendices, if you decide to use appendices will NOT BE included in the page count.

Everything included in the main body of the report WILL BE included in the page count.

Functional fuzzy inference system

To provide enough detail to obtain the higher marks, you should aim to satisfy the mark scheme. Deliverables to be submitted for assessment: × A single uploaded report which will provide a similarity index. DO NOT exceed 25% similarity: × You could adopt if you wish, the following structure or variation of: × Title Page, table of contents, abstract (NOT included in page count). × Introduction (Possibly 0.5 pages). × A review of relevant literature (Possibly 2 pages). × An overview of your approach to this problem (Possibly 2 pages).

A technical description of your fuzzy system including, variables, set, rulebase and And/Or/Implication/DE fuzzification operator choice with justification (Possibly 3.5 pages).

Functional fuzzy inference system

× Experimental design and evaluation – performance of your fuzzy system including the design and results of an experiment (Possibly 2 pages). × Critical reflection (Possibly a single page). × Conclusion (Possibly a single page). × Bibliography, references, cited works (NOT included in page count). × Appendices – Optional (NOT included in page count). × A zipped folder containing: the project code – this will include ALL MATLAB file(s) (.m file) and any external file(s) such as data files and any additional files. https://youtu.be/CBTEVFphv-E

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An Interpretive Argument. 2022 Best

This assignment involves writing an interpretive argument. Your goal in an interpretative argument is to go against traditional readings and interpretations and argue, based upon elements that are present in the text, for an alternate interpretation.

An Interpretive Argument.

Assignment Sheet: Essay #1 Purpose This assignment is intended to: · Give you an opportunity to clarify and express your ideas about the literature we’ve studied. · Develop your ability to think critically about the themes those works of literature explore. · Strengthen your ability to write clearly, concisely, and persuasively. Assignment You will write a formal essay on any of the works listed on our syllabus. This essay should be roughly four to six pages and should draw upon outside research. While you are free to write on any topic, your essay should be argumentative in nature and should explore a very specific aspect of the work you choose to address.

An Interpretive Argument.

To help you get started, consider writing one of the following: An Interpretive Argument – Your goal in an interpretative argument is to go against traditional readings and interpretations and argue, based upon elements that are present in the text, for an alternate interpretation. One common approach to interpretive arguments is to expose the problems of a traditional interpretation of a work and to persuade your audience to accept your interpretation instead. For example, I could argue that while many believe Victor Frankenstein is the “true monster” of Frankenstein, the truth is that there are no monsters in the book, only imperfect beings who behave in imperfect ways.

An Interpretive Argument.

A Categorical Argument – In categorical arguments, you argue that a certain work/author either does or doesn’t belong to a certain category. For example, there is a category of things we call “sexist.” You could argue that Frankenstein either does or does not belong in this category. In short, your goal in categorical arguments is to question how works and authors have been previously categorized and to argue for a new categorization. A Thematic Assessment – In essays like this, you identify one theme of a work of literature and you test that theme. You explore whether that theme is correct.

An Interpretive Argument.

For example, one theme of Frankenstein is that people are more likely to commit evil when they are isolated from friends and family. But is this true? What does modern social science say about this? Was Mary Shelley right? Of course, there are many other approaches you can take to writing your essay. Those listed above are only a few you might want to consider as you get started. If you have an idea for an essay and would like to talk about it, feel free to meet me in my office or after class. https://youtu.be/2opV9ln3AvU

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Social Network Analysis 2022 Best

This assignment surrounds Social Network Analysis and requires you to evaluate a network of company directors. Using data from BoardEx (available via WRDS), you are tasked with compiling a network of company directors using your knowledge of Social Network Theory.

Social Network Analysis

Assignment Option (C) – Social Network Analysis. Requirement This assignment surrounds Social Network Analysis and requires you to evaluate a network of company directors. Using data from BoardEx (available via WRDS), you are tasked with compiling a network of company directors using your knowledge of Social Network Theory. The network should consist of nodes (the directors) and edges. The edges between each node should be connected only if the directors sit on the same company board in the same year. Your network should span at least 5 years prior to the latest information on BoardEx (currently 2019).

Social Network Analysis

BoardEx has three databases of companies and their directors, US, UK, and Europe; you may use any one of these for your analysis.7 Your analysis should include a statistical investigation into the network you create. Who are the key, central and influential players in the network? Why are they so influential? Do they often represent a particular type of company or companies, or have particular characteristics? To answer these questions, you should provide information regarding the network in terms of the centrality measures provided to you in class: Degree, Betweenness, Closeness and Eigenvector centrality.

Social Network Analysis

Using your python skills acquired within this module (and elsewhere), your report should seek to provide (but not limited to): An introduction – A general discussion of Social Network Analysis, the potential application to corporate director networks, what your research goals are, and what you hope to achieve through your analysis. A literature review – You have one main strand of literature to assess, Social Network Theory and in particular, its utilisation in the area of business power and influence.

Social Network Analysis

Remember that a literature review should be a cohesive discussion of extant literature, how it relates to your research, and is the main indicator of whether you understand the subject area or not. Utilize the skills that you have learned within BEAM068 to paint a rounded picture of the subject area. Methodology – What statistical tests/models are you going to perform and why? Data – A description of the data and its origin, including summary statistics of the key variables where appropriate, including the size of the network and other pertaining information. Analysis – You may wish to analyze the network as a whole and discuss the most influential directors across the network.

Social Network Analysis

Other options would be to look at individual business sectors independently, and/or use the size (e.g. market value) of each company as edge weights – in order that directors of larger companies are (appropriately?) given more influence than those at the helm of smaller companies. For an additional analysis (time permitting) you may also wish to perform a regression that utilises individual director characteristics (also available on BoardEx) in order to explain those with high centrality scores. For example, are these directors of a certain age compared to their peers? Did they go to a particular School or University? Have they been on the board a long time?

Social Network Analysis

Inside or Outside directors? Visualization – Visualize your network. This can be done in any way you feel fit. Make sure to explain your visualization and how it was created. You may wish to colour code the network by community, or by industry for extra visual appeal. The examples and links given to you in class will assist you on this. Conclusion – What are your key findings and what are the implications? Python code – A code (*.py) file which documents each stage of your analysis (uploaded as a separate file). You may expand or explore this topic in any way you feel appropriate – provided that the key areas highlighted above are covered. https://youtu.be/xT3EpF2EsbQ

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