White supremacy and racism. 2022 Best

Sociology 130 examines the root causes of white supremacy and racism. How did white supremacy become embedded in the structure of the United States and how does that impact social structure and institutions today.

White supremacy and racism.

Sociology 130 Take Home Midterm Exam October 16, 2022 This exam is structured in two Parts. Part I is short answer and Part II is essay. Please answer the questions thoroughly and thoughtfully. Hint: Do not wait to the last minute to tackle this exam. It will be too overwhelming if you do. This exam is due on November 1st at 10:00AM. All work is to be done independently. All Work will checked through UCR Turnitin.com so please do your own work. Plagiarism of any kind will result in a F for the assignment and course. Each essay should follow the outline that I provide. Each section of your essay will have a heading.

White supremacy and racism.

Again, Please DO NOT WAIT TO THE LAST MINUTE IT WILL BE TOO OVERWHELMING. Part I: Short Answer. Please answer each of the following question in 2 pages. Feel free to write more if you find it necessary but no more than 1 page over. (4-page minimum) 1. You were assigned the article, “Los Olvidados: On the Making of Invisible People” by Juan F. Perea to read. Using this article, explain the root causes of white supremacy and racism. How did white supremacy become embedded in the structure of the United States and how does that impact social structure and institutions today.

White supremacy and racism.

Use Ch. 2: White Privilege: The Other Side of Racism and Tactic Racism: Introduction: Racism Is a Clear and Present Danger to show how white supremacy has impacted the United States social structure and the different “racial” groups as we have learned through culture. Short Answer Heading Outlines: A. Los Olvidados and Root Causes B. Embedded in Structure C. Ch. 2: White Privilege D. Tactic Racism Introduction 2. Why is it important for people in the world to understand racism and white privilege from a structural point of view?

White supremacy and racism.

How can this understanding help bring about social justice and racial justice? Use Ch. 4: Emergence of the US Racial Hierarchy and Tactic Racism: Chapter 1. “White People Are Nosey” and “Black People Are Rude”: Black and White Greetings and Introductory Talk to demonstrate why understanding the structure is necessary for social justice and racial justice. Short Answer Heading Outline: A. Structural Point of View B. Social and Racial Justice C. Tactic Racism Chapter 1. https://youtu.be/v4jYoCxpWkE

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