An ethnographic research 2022 Best
This assignment involves writing an ethnographic research paper. In this 6-page (six full pages) paper, you will use what you’ve learned of analysis, observation, rhetorical communication, textual interrogation, observation and APA style to concretize for an interested but either hostile or uninformed audience the concept of horror as it exists in the mundane world.
An ethnographic research
Ethnography : In this 6-page (six full pages) paper, you will use what you’ve learned of analysis, observation, rhetorical communication, textual interrogation, observation and APA style to concretize for an interested but either hostile or uninformed audience the concept of horror as it exists in the mundane world. The focus of your ethnography will be a character from a fictional story or the narrator of a nonfiction book. Your paper should offer well-supported insights into this character or narrator’s experiences, coping strategies and outcomes. Your ethnography must include the following sections: Preface: This will be your intro to get readers into your study.
An ethnographic research
You can make this a general opening about the real-world horror you’re addressing, describe what you are trying to do in the ethnographic study or “set the scene” for readers. You should also indicate the mode of sampling (focal or ad libitum) you employed and why. Imagine an audience of educated people in the social sciences who are both skeptical of and interested in your original and compelling contribution to the current conversation about a real-world horror. Background: Explain what you know about this character and why you chose to study them.
An ethnographic research
This can be a narrative description or an explanation of what they are like. Make certain to use brief and strategically chosen examples from the text you believe may be illuminating to readers. Reach back to and recraft any information you deem necessary to include from your character dossier, taking care to fill in any gaps or silences apparent in your initial profile of the subject/object of study. Data/Analysis: Discuss at least three examples of “real world” horror, one-by-one, experienced by your object of study.
An ethnographic research
You’ll want to be specific about how and why these experiences meet the criteria for a specific type of horror and offer background information about it such as the technical term, its prevalence, a definition and explication of the phenomenon (domestic violence, neglect, bullying), any recent examples/manifestations (shootings, beatings or other incidents) or it’s perpetrators. This will call for research; you must cite all source material in APA format. Reflection/Conclusion: Offer your readers a reflection that discusses the takeaways from your study. Use the following questions as a jumping-off point: What insights did you gain?
An ethnographic research
What insights does your study give to help someone understand a kind of horror with which they may not be familiar? What’s worth noticing about the way that horror has played a role in shaping this character’s life or informing the decisions he/she/they make? What ways does this study help audiences see, through horror, what life is like in cultural, physical, social, professional or socio-economic or generational spaces not their own/unfamiliar to them? What can people learn from the victims and, more importantly, the survivors of real-world horror?
An ethnographic research
References: This study will give you practice with APA style, a mode of formatting and documentation you will encounter beyond English 101 and perhaps in the professional arena. Be sure to provide a full and appropriately formatted APA references page. Please carefully review all of the APA resources linked on the module for unit three, as well as the campus guide provided during the contextualized session. Multi-Modality: You might consider incorporating accessible images, videos or sounds to help emphasize the central insight you are articulating through your ethnographic study of this character’s life and experiences of “real world” horror.
An ethnographic research
You might also consider composing your ethnography in a virtual environment (Weebly). Field Notes: As you make your way through your primary text, you will be required to submit detailed field notes indicating your careful reading of the novel and close examination of your object of study. Worth 25 percent of your essay grade (50 points), these field notes should illustrate your progress from chapter to chapter and include relevant and appropriately documented examples from the text.
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