Tag Archives: observation
Narrative in Early Childhood Education 2023 Best
“Learning Stories: Observation, Reflection, and Narrative in Early Childhood Education” Introduction: The Learning Stories Assessment approach is a form of observation and documentation that is written in a narrative story format.
Narrative in Early Childhood Education
Title: “Learning Stories: Observation, Reflection, and Narrative in Early Childhood Education” Introduction: The Learning Stories Assessment approach is a form of observation and documentation that is written in a narrative story format. The teacher watches and listens as children explore through play. She may take a photo or two, jot down some notes, and create a story about what she has seen to share with children and their families. A story is powerful and meaningful to families and can often communicate more than a number, a score, or a checklist of skills. Because the story is written to the children, it’s both easy for teachers to write and easy for families to understand.
Narrative in Early Childhood Education
Teachers become observers and story writers while reflecting on children’s actions and words. The story is always a positive one about children’s strengths, good ideas, and dispositions for learning. The Assignment Summarize the attached article, in your own words, by answering the three questions listed below. Each question should have an answer that has at least 5-7 sentences. Please make sure you read the statement on Plagiarism. Also, do not copy and paste the article – that is plagiarism. 1. What is the main focus of the article? Why is this assessment considered a formative assessment? How does a formative assessment differ from a summative assessment?
Narrative in Early Childhood Education
2. What are three strategies/resources/ideas related to learning stories that are discussed in the article? Choose one strategy that will benefit a child who is a dual language learner, one strategy that will benefit the family and teacher/family relationship and one strategy that will benefit the entire school community. 3. How will you implement the strategies/ideas (from your second paragraph) when working with families/children? Here is where you need to be specific. Show how will implement your strategy and give an example.https://youtu.be/xkSRPR8u9Ac
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Research Methods for Social Sciences. 2023 Best
This paper explores research methods for social sciences. This assignment follows current APA formatting style. Paper instructions: List the research question. Identify the hypothesis or hypotheses? What is the null hypothesis? How many potential participants would best support this research and why?
Research Methods for Social Sciences.
Research Methods for Social Sciences. Paper instructions: Write a 4 – 5 page Methods section to review and evaluate the methods of quantitative research. Be sure to thoroughly answer the following questions and provide support for each. Answers should be submitted in a 4 to 6 page paper with a numbered list to ensure that each question is answered. Please be sure to include an APA-style title page and a reference page. List the research question. Identify the hypothesis or hypotheses? What is the null hypothesis? How many potential participants would best support this research and why?
Research Methods for Social Sciences.
What are the inclusion characteristics, what must participants have to be included in this study, i.e., gender, age, personality traits, etc.? Are there any exclusion characteristics, i.e. are there particular characteristics which may exclude them from being in the study? Will the sample be diverse? Why or why not? Which sampling technique will be used to collect the sample? Which population is representative of the sample List the variables in the study, (reference the hypothesis or hypotheses). List operational definitions for each variable. How will each variable be measured?
Research Methods for Social Sciences.
Explore the reliability and validity of the measures in general terms. Which techniques will be used for data collection? (Example: observation, survey, interview, etc.) Which type of research design is being employed? List a few potential ethical issues? How might they be addressed? Answers should be submitted in a 4 to 6 page paper. . This assignment should include an APA-style title page and reference page which are not to contribute to the requested page count. Be sure to write in an organized, clear, and succinct manner and exhibit accurate grammar, spelling, and punctuation. https://youtu.be/JJQVH92QHe8
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An ethnographic research 2022 Best
This assignment involves writing an ethnographic research paper. In this 6-page (six full pages) paper, you will use what you’ve learned of analysis, observation, rhetorical communication, textual interrogation, observation and APA style to concretize for an interested but either hostile or uninformed audience the concept of horror as it exists in the mundane world.
An ethnographic research
Ethnography : In this 6-page (six full pages) paper, you will use what you’ve learned of analysis, observation, rhetorical communication, textual interrogation, observation and APA style to concretize for an interested but either hostile or uninformed audience the concept of horror as it exists in the mundane world. The focus of your ethnography will be a character from a fictional story or the narrator of a nonfiction book. Your paper should offer well-supported insights into this character or narrator’s experiences, coping strategies and outcomes. Your ethnography must include the following sections: Preface: This will be your intro to get readers into your study.
An ethnographic research
You can make this a general opening about the real-world horror you’re addressing, describe what you are trying to do in the ethnographic study or “set the scene” for readers. You should also indicate the mode of sampling (focal or ad libitum) you employed and why. Imagine an audience of educated people in the social sciences who are both skeptical of and interested in your original and compelling contribution to the current conversation about a real-world horror. Background: Explain what you know about this character and why you chose to study them.
An ethnographic research
This can be a narrative description or an explanation of what they are like. Make certain to use brief and strategically chosen examples from the text you believe may be illuminating to readers. Reach back to and recraft any information you deem necessary to include from your character dossier, taking care to fill in any gaps or silences apparent in your initial profile of the subject/object of study. Data/Analysis: Discuss at least three examples of “real world” horror, one-by-one, experienced by your object of study.
An ethnographic research
You’ll want to be specific about how and why these experiences meet the criteria for a specific type of horror and offer background information about it such as the technical term, its prevalence, a definition and explication of the phenomenon (domestic violence, neglect, bullying), any recent examples/manifestations (shootings, beatings or other incidents) or it’s perpetrators. This will call for research; you must cite all source material in APA format. Reflection/Conclusion: Offer your readers a reflection that discusses the takeaways from your study. Use the following questions as a jumping-off point: What insights did you gain?
An ethnographic research
What insights does your study give to help someone understand a kind of horror with which they may not be familiar? What’s worth noticing about the way that horror has played a role in shaping this character’s life or informing the decisions he/she/they make? What ways does this study help audiences see, through horror, what life is like in cultural, physical, social, professional or socio-economic or generational spaces not their own/unfamiliar to them? What can people learn from the victims and, more importantly, the survivors of real-world horror?
An ethnographic research
References: This study will give you practice with APA style, a mode of formatting and documentation you will encounter beyond English 101 and perhaps in the professional arena. Be sure to provide a full and appropriately formatted APA references page. Please carefully review all of the APA resources linked on the module for unit three, as well as the campus guide provided during the contextualized session. Multi-Modality: You might consider incorporating accessible images, videos or sounds to help emphasize the central insight you are articulating through your ethnographic study of this character’s life and experiences of “real world” horror.
An ethnographic research
You might also consider composing your ethnography in a virtual environment (Weebly). Field Notes: As you make your way through your primary text, you will be required to submit detailed field notes indicating your careful reading of the novel and close examination of your object of study. Worth 25 percent of your essay grade (50 points), these field notes should illustrate your progress from chapter to chapter and include relevant and appropriately documented examples from the text. https://youtu.be/vs8au2G0cb4
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Culture Analysis Paper 2022 Best
Final Project Part 1: Culture Analysis Paper: This assignment allows you to demonstrate mastery of course outcomes: apply knowledge of the levels, components, and development of culture to inform decision making about organizational practices
Culture Analysis Paper
Culture Analysis Paper. Paper details: Instructions Final Project Part 1: Culture Analysis Paper This assignment allows you to demonstrate mastery of course outcomes: apply knowledge of the levels, components, and development of culture to inform decision making about organizational practices. Analyze and describe the impact of organizational culture on performance You will be asked to analyze an organizational culture. This could be the organization you work with, or it could be some other organization to which you have access.
Culture Analysis Paper
Remember that clubs, associations, and churches can be considered organizations. If you are currently not working, is there any organization where you have access to at least 3 people that you could interview? Reach out to your faculty if you need help. Research (data gathering) should include (but does not need to be limited to) mainly primary sources. Primary data is the data collected by the researcher themselves, i.e. interview observation action research case studies life histories questionnaires ethnographic research.
Culture Analysis Paper
Secondary sources are data that already exists: Previous research, Official statistics, Mass media products, Diaries, Letters, Government reports, Web information, Historical data and information. Collect your data and analyze it. Describe how you collected the data (observation, interviews, surveys). Then, analyze the organizational culture along three dimensions: artifacts, values, and underlying assumptions. Give examples of behavior, speech, or symbols that illustrate your findings. This paper should be 5-8 pages in length. Any data used (interviews, surveys, websites, etc.) should be attached as appendices. You should use at least 3 course resources. https://youtu.be/Y74U1y667fI
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Early childhood setting 2022 Best
PEA#2: Play Categories Observe (at least an hour) an early childhood setting or other setting (such as a park or playground) where children are at free play. Look for examples of each of Parten’s six play categories as described in the Beginnings and Beyond text.
Early childhood setting
PEA#2: Play Categories Observe (at least an hour) an early childhood setting or other setting (such as a park or playground) where children are at free play. Look for examples of each of Parten’s six play categories as described in the Beginnings and Beyond text. Write a two pages paper where you describe what the children are doing and which of the six play categories is represented in the children’s play. At the end of your paper, reflect on what you learned from this experience. Be sure to follow the guidelines below when writing your paper. (If you are not able to observe due to parks and daycares being closed, please use the videos attached to help with this assignment.
Early childhood setting
Adapt an answer each part to the best of your ability. If you use a different video, make sure to include the link in your paper.) https://youtu.be/NTTP93q94GY https://youtu.be/yYLrDiPH9sk Briefly describe the location and the ages of the children Make sure to describe what the children are doing, and which play category best fits what the children are doing. Refer to the children by initials only or pretend names (or as “two girls” or “a group of three-year-old boys” Be sure to refer to each of the six play categories by name.
Early childhood setting
At the end of your paper, if you do not see one of the six categories of play in your observation, define that type of play and what it might have looked like. Your paper should be written as a formal college paper with a beginning (introduction), middle (body or development) and end (conclusion). Use 12-point font, black type, double space and appropriate paragraph indentation in your paper. The introduction should include where and when the observation took place and who you were observing.
Early childhood setting
The body of your paper should be objective (no opinions or value statements) and describe what you observed. The conclusion should summarize the paper (and can include your opinion or a reflection of the observation.) The conclusion should also include a description of any play categories you did not observe. Proofread for spelling, grammar, punctuation, and overall clarity before submitting. https://youtu.be/RowvHsWvYBE
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