Guides Implementation at local gyms. 2022 Best
This assignment involves writing a report on exercise guides implementation at local gyms. For the formal report, you will write a researched recommendations report to a business audience.
Guides Implementation at local gyms.
Paper details: BRIEF DESCRIPTION: For the formal report, you will write a researched recommendations report to a business audience. This is an individual assignment of which a complete, final draft is due at the end of the term. You will be required to complete the various steps of the business writing process (outlined below) to develop a single-spaced, 7-9 page final report. Your final report draft must include both primary and secondary research (details on the difference between the two will be covered). Reports must have at least 5 secondary sources and at least 1 primary source.
Guides Implementation at local gyms.
Your objective for the final draft is to produce a recommendations report that would be helpful to key decision-makers within a specific company. The report may include three (3) graphics (images, charts, tables, graphs, etc.). Each graphic can be no larger than one-half page. Graphics will count toward the total page limit, but they must add value to your report in some way. SCOPE AND TOPIC: Reports will be written on one of the three general themes below: How to solve a specific problem. (e.g. Small Miracle Daycare implementing a training handbook, restructuring new employee onboarding process, and regularly reviewing policies and procedures to solve the problem of ineffectual employees) (THIS IS THE ONE I’M DOING) up above.
Guides Implementation at local gyms.
Topics might include re-designing a process, upgrading a facility, implementing new equipment or software, enhancing a website, modifying an existing product, solving a problem such as customer retention or low employee morale, or any instructor-approved topic that involves significant analysis and will lead to meaningful recommendations. Audience: your topic should have a professional focus; your report should be aimed at the individual(s) who could implement your recommendations. (i.e. you may be writing to managers, owners, or other key decision-makers within the company).
Guides Implementation at local gyms.
Formal Report Project Final version (7-9 pages + front and end matter) Each student will revise and refine the draft submitted earlier in the term and add the final required components of the report. The finished product should adhere to the highest standards of business communication, successfully incorporating the feedback provided by the various editors and proofreaders. The quality of this deliverable will be scrutinized thoroughly, unlike the draft version. The final draft will be graded with the provided final draft formal report rubric (see Canvas).
Guides Implementation at local gyms.
The final draft must include all required elements: Front Matter (Cover page, Table of Contents, Letter of Transmittal, Executive Summary) Body of report (Introduction, Background, Discussion, Conclusions, Recommendations, & References) End Matter (Appendix A) . Purpose This assignments asks you to use the skills you’ve practiced through the semester to finalize your 7-9 page, single-spaced report. You will use your knowledge of the writing process, research integration, and business writing style to revise your report.
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