Patient focused inquiry. 2022 Best
This paper explores patient focused inquiry. This assignment focuses on the outcome of the literature search. Based on the outcome of the first assignment the wording of the PICOT question may be modified.
Patient focused inquiry.
Assignment 2: Patient-focused inquiry. Value 40%. This assignment focuses on the outcome of the literature search. Based on the outcome of the first assignment the wording of the PICOT question may be modified. It is highly recommended that the student consult with their professor on changes to the question before progressing. The page limit for the narrated component of the paper is 4 pages (excluding cover page and references), and the page limit for the literature summary table is 4 pages. All eight (8) selected research articles must be submitted via the article submission portal provided on the course Blackboard site.
Patient focused inquiry.
The articles must be submitted in the order that the articles appear in the literature table and must be clearly identified with all APA reference information. Failure to follow these article submission specifications will be deemed a writing competency error and associated mark deductions will be applied. The assignment submission must include: • An introduction • A one-page appendix with a Prisma literature search graphic depicting the search process and results (See: AND
Patient focused inquiry.
A literature chart detailing the eight (8) selected research studies. Review articles (literature reviews, systematic review, meta-synthesis, meta-analysis), opinion articles and other non-research articles are not to be included. Table 2 provides the required format and content requirements for the literature table. (Note: The literature table is best managed using landscape orientation.) • A concisely worded descriptive synthesis of the evidence regarding the topic of inquiry.
Patient focused inquiry.
A conclusion including a concisely worded summation about the state of the evidence you have reviewed and the implications for nursing practice, education, and research. • PDFs of the research papers used with the elements from Table 2 highlighted as follows: o Research Question – Yellow o Methodology – Green o Methods/Design – Blue o Findings – Red or Purple.
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