Tag Archives: racism

The bible and evil practices. 2023 Best

This paper focuses on the bible and evil practices. So, does the Bible—at times—condone or condemn evil practices (racism, conquest, intolerance)?

The bible and evil practices.

Religion.  Does the Bible—at times—condone or condemn evil practices (racism, conquest, intolerance)? Make an argument for one side or the other, but entertain objections. This might be a trick question; you can comment and critique the question as well! Parameters: Page margins should be no more than 1 inch around. Font should be either Times New Roman, Georgia, or Garamond 12 point font. Citation: You are going to be working mostly with Biblical texts, and drawing on readings. Please cite Biblical texts this way: [Book of Bible: Chapter: Verse(s)] example: Exodus 1:4-6 means Book of Exodus, Chapter 1, verses four through six.

The bible and evil practices.

Checklist: Please provide the following items • Name, Assignment, Class somewhere near the top • A Catchy Title that invites your reader in • Your paper might begin with some drama – some tension or problem that the paper will illustrate and, ideally, work out. • A clear thesis—that is, an organizing principle—to your short essay • Your prose should be aimed at a general reader • Please turn in essay as double spaced • Font should be Times New Roman, Garamond, or Georgia, and in 12 point Have a title, name, assignment date • Have a clear organizing principle (i.e. a thesis, a theme).

The bible and evil practices.

Open with a short account, scene, or story from the material (possibly the films or images we viewed in class) to draw the reader in • Have something like an argument, or clear explication, with reasons and/or examples • Cite/quote course materials, using inline attribution • Be written for a general audience, not me, who isn’t familiar with the course material. Your writing should be clear to anyone who might pick it up and read.https://youtu.be/wlbDLlMtd74

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Color-blind society 2023 Best

This paper explores whether the emphasis on a color-blind society will be a solution to racism. Paper outline: Title page. Introduction. Your position and arguments. Evidence to support your arguments (i.e., data and research), including how the evidence supports the arguments. Counterarguments to your position.

Color-blind society

Is the emphasis on a color-blind society an answer to racism? Write a position paper of 4 content pages (plus a title page and references page) that answers the question posed by the title. For your paper, use five sources. A minimum of five resources, at least two of which are peer-reviewed academic articles. Organize your paper as follows: Title page. Introduction. Your position and arguments. Evidence to support your arguments (i.e., data and research), including how the evidence supports the arguments.

Counterarguments to your position. Rebuttals to those counterarguments. Evidence to support your rebuttals (i.e., data and research), including how the evidence supports the rebuttals. Summary and Conclusion. References. Set your paper in Times New Roman, 12 point. https://youtu.be/zDJcjasFzBI

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Prison industrial complex 2022 Best

The main goal is to use these readings and other texts to make an argument about the prison industrial complex (PIC) and its relationship to gender, health, and the environment, as well as other foundational concepts

Prison industrial complex

Prison industrial complex (PIC) Paper details: Your main goal is to use these readings and other texts to make an argument about the prison industrial complex (PIC) and its relationship to gender, health, and the environment, as well as other foundational concepts we focused on in the first module of the class, particularly environmental justice, dis/ability, racism, and nation. If you find it helpful to focus your essay around a specific question, focus it around this: How does thinking about the prison industrial complex and/or people in prisons change or expand your understanding of the concepts we have been talking about this semester?

Prison industrial complex

Assignment Purpose: To deepen your understanding of the subject by providing a structure for you think through a major concept and key pieces of evidence. The important part here is demonstrating the serious thinking and the struggle to learn something, using course reading as your essential building blocks. Requirements: For this assignment, you are required to draw directly and substantially from 3-5 assigned chapters, articles, or documentaries from this module of the class. The essay should be a minimum of 1,000 words but no longer than 1,500 words.

Prison industrial complex

This should be a final draft of your work, meaning that you have read through the finished essay at least once and: corrected any grammatical or typographical errors to the absolute best of your ability, ensured that the introduction and conclusion belong to the same paper and make the same point (sometimes our intentions drift as we get writing), and made sure each part of the essay makes sense and contributes to the whole.

Prison industrial complex

You must cite any sources you consult (including those used for class), and properly quote anything you use in your essay. You should have a bibliography. If you got the idea to connect 2 concepts from something you read, you must give the author credit by citing them. These citations should be formatted according to Chicago style requirements. https://youtu.be/No7HGqJz9Wg

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Conceptualizations and dimensions. 2022 Best

For this assignment we will explore why conceptualizations and dimensions. Directions: Conceptualization is a process that involves coming up with clear, concise definitions for key concepts. Operationalization involves spelling out precisely how a concept will be measured.

Conceptualizations and dimensions.

Paper details: This is a group assignment. If you are not certain that you will be able to secure a group by noon on Tuesday, Nov 15, you must sign up to be placed in a group. Click here to sign up for a group Links to an external site.. This is a 2-part assignment. Please plan your time accordingly. Directions: Conceptualization is a process that involves coming up with clear, concise definitions for key concepts. Operationalization involves spelling out precisely how a concept will be measured. Part 1: By yourself, conceptualize the term racism and identify possible dimensions of the term. Then, with your partner(s), compare your definitions and dimensions.

Conceptualizations and dimensions.

Discuss how and why your conceptualizations and dimensions differ. After discussing with your partner(s), conceptualize the term racism together. Afterward, find a valid study and share how the researcher(s) conceptualized racism. Cite the source using APA Links to an external site. style formatting. Your answer to Part 1 should only include (1) a conceptual definition of racism created by your group and (2) a conceptual definition of racism from a valid study. Do not include your and your partner’s individual definitions of racism or dimensions of racism. Part 2: By yourself, identify possible indicators of racism.

Conceptualizations and dimensions.

Then, with your partner, compare indicators. How might different conclusions emerge from research using different conceptualizations and operationalization? Your answer to Part 2 should only include an answer to the question, “How might different conclusions emerge from research using different conceptualizations and operationalization?” Do not include your and your partner’s indicators. Keep your responses to part 1 and 2 to under 150 words each. https://youtu.be/tmxcKdMd2is

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Perceptions of Implicit Bias 2022 Best

” Internal Medicine Residents’ Perceptions of Implicit Bias Training: Strategies to Improve Work with Racially Diverse Patient Populations.” Paper details to be addressed with supporting references: 1) Implicit bias and its impact on social determinants of health, with references.

Perceptions of Implicit Bias

Topic ” Internal Medicine Residents’ Perceptions of Implicit Bias Training: Strategies to Improve Work with Racially Diverse Patient Populations.” Paper details to be addressed with supporting references: 1) Implicit bias and its impact on social determinants of health, with references. 2) Evidence implicit bias exist in healthcare 3) Cultural competence as a means to address implicit bias 4) Why addressing implicit bias is important w/references. Discuss the means by which structural bias, social inequities, racism undermined health and create challenges to achieving health equity at the organizational/community/systemic levels.

Perceptions of Implicit Bias

5) Current ACGME implicit bias standards, a. can be found in this article as a guide (Ambrose AJ, Lin SY, Chun MB. Cultural competency training requirements in graduate medical education. J Grad Med Educ. 2013 Jun;5(2):227-31. doi: 10.4300/JGME-D-12-00085.1. PMID: 24404264; PMCID: PMC3693685.) 6) how we measure bias: validity of Harvads IAT (implicit association test), discuss its validity. 7) Strategies/interventions to improve implicit bias among health care providers (this information can be used in separate policy brief appendix I will add at end of capstone) a. Evidence reviewed should include observational studies, different types of qualitative, quantitative, and possibly randomized control trials if available.

Perceptions of Implicit Bias

b. Make a table stating if evidence is weak, strong, etc if possible. 8) Key unaddressed public health challenge regarding implicit bias 9) 2 page policy brief with appendix (3 pages total) providing detailed descriptions of currently available cultural competency/implicit bias training options for residency programs. Proposal for integration of implicit bias training for all residency teaching staff and residents, including providing evidence for importance of such training. Resources I’ve found that can be useful 1) Quick Safety 23: Implicit bias in health care | The Joint Commission 2) Vela MB, Erondu AI, Smith NA, Peek ME, Woodruff JN, Chin MH.

Perceptions of Implicit Bias

Eliminating Explicit and Implicit Biases in Health Care: Evidence and Research Needs. Annu Rev Public Health. 2022 Apr 5;43:477-501. doi: 10.1146/annurev-publhealth-052620-103528. Epub 2022 Jan 12. PMID: 35020445; PMCID: PMC9172268. 3) How to Reduce Implicit Bias (ihi.org) 4) Eliminating Explicit and Implicit Biases in Health Care: Evidence and Research Needs (annualreviews.org) 5) With Implicit Bias Hurting Patients, Some States Train Doctors | The Pew Charitable Trusts (pewtrusts.org) 6) Implicit bias in healthcare: clinical practice, research and decision making (rcpjournals.org). https://youtu.be/qLF9kXjmwkw

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