Linguistic Repertoire 2023 Best
Writing Assignment: Linguistic Repertoire ‘Linguistic repertoire’ refers the group of languages that an individual speaker has learned in their lifetime. This included, broadly speaking, the speaker’s ‘first language’ or ‘native language’ and all the styles and registers that are included within proficiency in the native language.
Linguistic Repertoire
Writing Assignment: Linguistic Repertoire ‘Linguistic repertoire’ refers the group of languages that an individual speaker has learned in their lifetime. This included, broadly speaking, the speaker’s ‘first language’ or ‘native language’ and all the styles and registers that are included within proficiency in the native language. It may also include regional or standardized varieties of the first language that come from membership to certain speech communities (defined, for example, by educational level, social class, ethnicity, etc.). The individual speaker’s linguistic repertoire is not static, but can change over the course of the speaker’s life as they learn new languages or lose proficiency in second languages.
Linguistic Repertoire
In an essay of 400 – 1000 words describe your linguistic repertoire and the speech communities that you are a member of. Be sure to take a full account of all the varieties — standard, non-standard and standardizing — that you are able to use in both speech and writing. This may include varieties, registers or styles that have passive bilingualism in (i.e. you can understand, but cannot speak or write) and second languages that you haves studied formally. Furthermore, when describing speech communities keep in mind that membership is achieved through processes of socialization; birth in a particular location does not define the speech community that you are a member of. MAXIMUM LENGTH: 1000 words.
Linguistic Repertoire
ASSESSMENT: Letter grades with +/–, to be converted to point values according to the ‘percentage mode’ of the grade (see course syllabus). Total maximum is 200 points. ROUGH DRAFT: Must be submitted to the UM Moodle by the date and time specified in the course syllabus. (No credit will be given for submitting a rough draft, but you must do so in order to participate in the Peer Revision Workshop, which worth 10 points).
Linguistic Repertoire
PEER REVISION WORKSHOP: Must be completed within Turnitin as a PeerMark assignment. 10 points will be given for participation in the workshop and completion of no fewer than two peer-review questionnaires. FINAL DRAFT DUE: Must be submitted to UM Moodle by the date and time specified in the course syllabus. LATE SUBMISSIONS: Late papers will be penalised one letter grade per day or part thereof received after the due date.
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