Tag Archives: ethnicity

Linguistic Repertoire 2023 Best

Writing Assignment: Linguistic Repertoire ‘Linguistic repertoire’ refers the group of languages that an individual speaker has learned in their lifetime. This included, broadly speaking, the speaker’s ‘first language’ or ‘native language’ and all the styles and registers that are included within proficiency in the native language.

Linguistic Repertoire

Writing Assignment: Linguistic Repertoire ‘Linguistic repertoire’ refers the group of languages that an individual speaker has learned in their lifetime. This included, broadly speaking, the speaker’s ‘first language’ or ‘native language’ and all the styles and registers that are included within proficiency in the native language. It may also include regional or standardized varieties of the first language that come from membership to certain speech communities (defined, for example, by educational level, social class, ethnicity, etc.). The individual speaker’s linguistic repertoire is not static, but can change over the course of the speaker’s life as they learn new languages or lose proficiency in second languages.

Linguistic Repertoire

In an essay of 400 – 1000 words describe your linguistic repertoire and the speech communities that you are a member of. Be sure to take a full account of all the varieties — standard, non-standard and standardizing — that you are able to use in both speech and writing. This may include varieties, registers or styles that have passive bilingualism in (i.e. you can understand, but cannot speak or write) and second languages that you haves studied formally. Furthermore, when describing speech communities keep in mind that membership is achieved through processes of socialization; birth in a particular location does not define the speech community that you are a member of. MAXIMUM LENGTH: 1000 words.

Linguistic Repertoire

ASSESSMENT: Letter grades with +/–, to be converted to point values according to the ‘percentage mode’ of the grade (see course syllabus). Total maximum is 200 points. ROUGH DRAFT: Must be submitted to the UM Moodle by the date and time specified in the course syllabus. (No credit will be given for submitting a rough draft, but you must do so in order to participate in the Peer Revision Workshop, which worth 10 points).

Linguistic Repertoire

PEER REVISION WORKSHOP: Must be completed within Turnitin as a PeerMark assignment. 10 points will be given for participation in the workshop and completion of no fewer than two peer-review questionnaires. FINAL DRAFT DUE: Must be submitted to UM Moodle by the date and time specified in the course syllabus. LATE SUBMISSIONS: Late papers will be penalised one letter grade per day or part thereof received after the due date. https://youtu.be/vYhWOCEM-iA

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Hypothetical health promotion plan 2022 Best

The aim of this paper is to develop a hypothetical health promotion plan, 3-4 pages in length, addressing a specific health concern for an individual or a group living in the community that you identified from the topic list provided. Bullying.

Hypothetical health promotion plan

Develop a hypothetical health promotion plan, 3-4 pages in length, addressing a specific health concern for an individual or a group living in the community that you identified from the topic list provided. Bullying. Teen Pregnancy. LGBTQIA + Health. Sudden Infant Death (SID). Immunization. Tobacco use (include all: vaping, e-cigarettes, hookah, chewing tobacco, and smoking) cessation. In the Assessment 4, you will simulate a face-to-face presentation of this plan to the individual or group that you have identified. Please choose one of the topics below:

Hypothetical health promotion plan

Bullying. Teen Pregnancy. LGBTQIA + Health. Sudden Infant Death (SID). Immunizations. Tobacco use (include all: vaping e-cigarettes, hookah, chewing tobacco, and smoking) cessation. (MUST address all tobacco products).Instructions Instructions Health Promotion Plan Choose a specific health concern or health need as the focus of your hypothetical health promotion plan. Then, investigate your chosen concern or need and best practices for health improvement, based on supporting evidence. Bullying. Teen Pregnancy. LGBTQIA + Health. Sudden Infant Death (SID). Immunizations.

Hypothetical health promotion plan

Tobacco use (include all: vaping e-cigarettes, hookah, chewing tobacco, and smoking) cessation. (MUST address all tobacco products). Create a scenario as if this project was being completed face-to-face. Identify the chosen population and include demographic data (location, lifestyle, age, race, ethnicity, gender, marital status, income, education, employment). Describe in detail the characteristics of your chosen hypothetical individual or group for this activity and how they are relevant to this targeted population. Discuss why your chosen population is predisposed to this health concern or health need and why they can benefit from a health promotion educational plan.

Hypothetical health promotion plan

Based on the health concern for your hypothetical individual or group, discuss what you would include in the development of a sociogram. Take into consideration possible social, economic, cultural, genetic, and/or lifestyle behaviors that may have an impact on health as you develop your educational plan in your first assessment. You will take this information into consideration when you develop your educational plan in your fourth assessment. Identify their potential learning needs.

Hypothetical health promotion plan

Collaborate with the individual or group on SMART goals that will be used to evaluate the educational session (Assessment 4). Identify the individual or group’s current behaviors and outline clear expectations for this educational session and offer suggestions for how the individual or group needs can be met. Health promotion goals need to be clear, measurable, and appropriate for this activity. Consider goals that will foster behavior changes and lead to the desired outcomes. https://youtu.be/CrXXO2529tA

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Popular Culture and Mass Media. 2022 Best

This paper explores popular culture and mass media. Watch at least 2 episodes of any television program that has aired new episodes within the last five years. After watching the programs, identify any minority characters, and write a two to three page paper in APA format describing how any one of these minority characters was portrayed.

Popular Culture and Mass Media.

Popular Culture and Mass Media. Watch at least 2 episodes of any television program that has aired new episodes within the last five years. After watching the programs, identify any minority characters, and write a two to three page paper in APA format describing how any one of these minority characters was portrayed. Detail if the portrayal was accurate or stereotypical and whether the character’s minority status was used as a source of humor. What messages about the character and her/his disability were conveyed, either explicitly or implicitly?

Popular Culture and Mass Media.

The page count does not include the title or reference pages, though title and reference pages are required. In lieu of watching 2 episodes, you may elect to watch a full-length movie, if you prefer. Note: The television episodes (or movie) that you select should not be a documentary. The point is to critically consider an artifact associated with popular culture which is strictly intended for our enjoyment and entertainment. Format and Length: Use APA formatting; 2-3 pages, not including title and reference pages. Sources: Include at least 2 scholarly references to support your essay.

Popular Culture and Mass Media.

Concepts: Incorporate at least 2 specific concepts from our readings into your analysis. Defining “minority”: For purposes of this assignment, a minority status could include any of the following characteristics: race, ethnicity, religion, nationality, immigration status, gender, sexual orientation, age, disability, ESL (English as a second language), or some other feature(s). https://youtu.be/Pvg3YwOBkp0

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Demographics and Technology. 2022 Best

This paper explores demographics and Technology. An organization’s demographics are an important factor to consider for its business strategies.

Demographics and Technology.

Demographics and Technology. An organization’s demographics are an important factor to consider for its business strategies. Review the demographic and technological information about your company to complete the activity below. If the information is not public, base your decisions on a similar company and research. Create an outline that conveys the information in the following format: Demographics What are the current demographics? (e.g., age, gender, ethnicity, etc.) What was a recent change? How did the company handle it? Was the change handled ethically?

Demographics and Technology.

If not, how should they have handled it? If it was, what stands out as something to emulate in your future business endeavors? Technology How does the company utilize technology in day-to-day business? What types of technology are used? How does a change of technology affect the organization? Cite all sources. Format your citations according to APA guidelines. Utilize the Center for Writing Excellence and the Reference and Citation Generator for assistance with APA style formatting. https://youtu.be/p7KwN46U6IgAttached Files


20th Century American Women Activists 2022 Best

This paper explores 20th Century American Women Activists. For your second formal history paper, select an individual or organization featured in Units 3, 4, or 5, who took civic action to fix one of the specific social, economic, or political problems featured in the units.

20th Century American Women Activists.

Due December 12th For your second formal history paper, select an individual or organization featured in Units 3, 4, or 5, who took civic action to fix one of the specific social, economic, or political problems featured in the units. Clearly identify and describe the single problem or issue around which they organized and acted. Then summarize, discuss, and compare the strategies and ideas they developed to fix the problem. What goals did they achieve? How were their views and work affected by their “social location”—their race, class, gender identity, ethnicity? What impact did they have on the course of history? What historical lesson/s about civic engagement do they offer us?

20th Century American Women Activists.

For paper 2, select a social problem & Individual or groups covered in Units 3, 4, 5– week 10-16. You should draw primarily from assigned course materials. Use both primary sources and secondary scholarship to support your discussion and assertions. You are encouraged to draw on relevant materials from the Women and Social Movements in the U.S., Database linked in the course E-Reader, and use assigned readings as a starting point. For general biographical information about individuals, reference the authoritative biographical dictionary, Notable American Women: A Biographical Dictionary, Volumes 1-5 (Cambridge: Belknap Press of Harvard University).

20th Century American Women Activists.

Physical copies of each volume available in our library. Please avoid non-scholarly web-based sources such as history.com. **** Writing Guidelines & Expectations: AWAI papers should follow the conventions of good academic writing! Your AWAI papers should have an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Start your paper with an overarching topic sentence that immediately identifies the main focus of your paper—the social problem and activists you will feature. In your introduction, you should provide adequate historical context to orient the reader. (ie. some dates, terms, and a sense of what changed over time on this topic).

20th Century American Women Activists.

You should close the introduction with a thesis statement–a supportable generalization/big assertion about what the bulk of the evidence examined about your chosen civic activist/s proves about how they worked to solve the social problem. Organize the rest of your response into 7-10 well-developed paragraphs each containing a topic sentence that identifies your main idea in that paragraph, followed by supporting evidence from the course materials, and your own explanations of that material. Offer your own thoughts and evaluation of this evidence.

20th Century American Women Activists.

Remember that your supporting body paragraphs are supposed support what you asserted in your thesis statement in the introduction, while also adequately describing and contextualizing the work of these civic activists. If these groups or individuals worked in collaboration with, or were in conflict with others, that should be explained. Your conclusion should explain how you’ve proven your main argument and offer some reflection on the historical significance and impact of the civic activists you wrote about. What lesson/s about the historic role of women’s civic and social activism in American history will you take with you after studying this topic?

20th Century American Women Activists.

Format, Length, Stylistic, and Citation Requirements The Basics: Your paper should be 5-7 pages, double-spaced, 12 Pt. Times New Roman Font, standard black ink, standard 1” margins. Your prose should be crisp, clear, grammatical, and properly punctuated. Avoid unnecessary adjectives, adverbs, or flowery, fancy language. Be sure your sentences have a subject, verb, and object. Avoid passive voice, where its not clear who did or said what. Practice “economy of language.” Alert! You are writing a social science paper in the academic discipline of history. You should be writing in the past tense.

20th Century American Women Activists.

Keep your language as formal as possible. MOSTLY, avoid the use of first person singular, “I” and “My” statements. Avoid touch-feely, self-dismissing language. For example, “I feel like …” or “It might just be my opinion, but…” are two commonly bad ways to start a sentence in a formal academic paper. Don’t undercut the force of your assertions by admitting your ideas are based primarily on feelings or opinions rather than evaluation of evidence. Instead, make the historical subjects you are writing about THE subjects of your paper and your sentences. Similarly, make the evidence the basis of your assertions and statements. https://youtu.be/jNeZzoUYJUM

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Current Events Essay 2022 Best

Current Events Essay involves identifying a current events that ties to sociological issues or social problems surrounding issues in our society such as race, ethnicity, gender, social class, politics, religions, etc.

Current Events Essay

Current Events Essay. You will choose a current events that ties to sociological issues or social problems surrounding issues in our society such as race, ethnicity, gender, social class, politics, religions, etc. The article that you choose can be from any reputable newspaper, magazine, or news website. This current event must be published within the last three months. From here you will explain the event and use your sociological perspective to analyze this current event. Include a sociological analysis (using at least 4 sociological concepts, definitions, or terms such as race, gender, or social class from our e-Text.

Current Events Essay

You will also use one sociological theory that explains this issue best, conflict theory, functionalism, feminist theory, symbolic interactionism. Your essay will be 3 pages in length utilizing APA format. Your total work should be 4-6 pages long with a Title and Reference page.) Spacing: Double-spaced. Font: 12. The book where you must get those 4 terms is attached the cover in the files. https://youtu.be/qmFKpPGj0jo

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Maternal child health 2022 Best

For this assignment we will focus on maternal child health/childbirth. Details: Explain why the issue is a public health problem, and describe health inequities that exist for your chosen public health issue – i.e. by race, ethnicity, sex, SES, sexual orientation or gender identity, etc. as applicable.

Maternal child health

Paper instructions: Find a first-hand account of someone’s experience of the issue you selected. -Briefly summarize the account you selected so that your reader can understand your analysis without being personally familiar with the source or referring back to it. Your summary should minimally include what public health issue the account addresses; who is (are) the person (people) in the narrative (name(s) and important descriptive characteristics), where the person resides, when the event occurred/the time period described in the narrative, and a summary of the experience.

Maternal child health

Make sure to include a link to the account in your reference list. -Explain why the issue is a public health problem, and describe health inequities that exist for your chosen public health issue – i.e. by race, ethnicity, sex, SES, sexual orientation or gender identity, etc. as applicable. This section must include evidence (data and citations) that support your explanation and description of inequities. -Analyze this first-hand account (~1.5 pages) of a public health issue by applying a relevant public health framework.

Maternal child health

Your analysis should explain how this framework connects to or can be used to describe or better understand the narrative from a public health lens. Your analysis should not be an explanation of the framework itself, but rather should demonstrate that you understand how the selected framework helps us understand how a unique, individual experience relates to shared characteristics or features that shape people’s lives (their relationships to others or their environment).

Maternal child health

Select ONE of the following public health frameworks: ● the socioecological model ● social determinants of health -Reflect on your learning by addressing the following questions: ● Why did you choose this topic and account? ● How did this account shape, challenge, or confirm your understanding of the public health issue? ● How is this account similar or different to your experience of this public health issue? https://youtu.be/Oszx93HdNHQ

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Low-risk offenders. 2022 Best

You are working in a halfway house for inmates that accepts low-risk offenders. The home will take inmates who are occasional drug users but not drug addicts due to risk management issues.

Low-risk offenders.

You are working in a halfway house for inmates that accepts low-risk offenders. The home will take inmates who are occasional drug users but not drug addicts due to risk management issues. They take into consideration the above factors of age, gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, economic status, family bond, and mental health disability of each inmate as it relates to their drug use and addiction in order to screen out higher risk inmates that might compromise the security of their home. Assignment Guidelines Select two of the following factors of drug use and addiction:

Low-risk offenders.

Age Gender Race Mental health status Economic status Family bond Address the following in 7–9 pages: For each of your selected factors: With regard to drug use, abuse and addiction: What positive influence can this factor have? Explain. What kind of negative impact, if any, can the factor have on drug use? Explain in detail. What kind of negative impact, if any, can the factor have on drug addiction? Explain in detail. How are factors that influence drug use different from those that influence drug addiction? Explain in detail. https://youtu.be/SRbJIg9Z9_A

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Diverse Population. 2022 Best

This assignment focuses on diverse population. 1. Purpose Statement is to include why this Diversity topic is important for us to learn about as Social Workers with regards to issues listed below (One complete Paragraph)

Diverse Population.

1. Purpose Statement is to include why this Diversity topic is important for us to learn about as Social Workers with regards to issues listed below (One complete Paragraph) – including what topics, issues for your Diverse Population you will research. Group members will identify roles to members within the hypothetical family system. The group will conduct a literature review on the specific family structure and identify potential difficulties the family may experience and potential interventions. This literature review should include at least 2 credible sources from each person, on your specific group family topic (peer reviewed- articles or books within last 5 years).

Diverse Population.

The group should consider issues or interventions that consider diversity, social justice, and policy issues. Groups will review the recommended text by Congress & Gonzalez (2012) to assist with this presentation. Annotated Bibliography and Completed Recorded PPT must be submitted to CANVAS in APA format. PPT must follow rubric requirements on assignments. All references, and quotes in paper must have work cited on each slide (author, date), as well as each member having their own Annotated Bibliography slides for at least 2 resources used (by each), followed by a complete reference, APA format list at the end.

Diverse Population.

Slides to include: (Approximately) Creativity and professional presentation required – not paragraphs from books. 1. Title, names of group members 2. Purpose statement 3/4 Evidence Based history of chosen population – how did this population become a challenge with potential difficulties 5 Research showing: Identify potential difficulties 6 Social Justice Issues and concerns – what is working what is not 7 Social Policy issues and concerns – what is working what is not 8. Evidence based Interventions for what ethnicity and culture that consider diversity for your population and concerns.

Diverse Population.

9. How does the text by Congress and Gonzalez (2012) fit with your topic 10. What does the research show are issues and effects for various family members – you may each pick – mom, dad, grandparent- child, adolescent, uncle, aunt, foster child… 11-13 Annotated Bib – each person is to have at least 2 resources that they used with a paragraph telling about each resource. All resources are to be different, covering all issues. 14. Summary- How did we get here with this population – where are we going – what is needed. 15. Complete reference list of all resources utilized with work cited on slides. 16. EACH MEMBER IS TO HAVE THEIR INITIALS ON EACH OF THEIR SLIDES. https://youtu.be/FHL-PqiKadE

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