victims of domestic violence. 2022 Best
This assignment involves creating a presentation on victims of domestic violence. Guiding questions: 1. Why are you interested in the Counseling and Human Services field? Why do you want to be a Licensed Clinical Social Worker? 2. Where did you grow up? (Queens, NY) 3. Provide demographics: race, ethnicity, etc. (Hispanic, (Cuban & Brazilian) Populations.
Victims of domestic violence.
The population of my choice is victims of domestic violence ages 18-34 for my presentation; see attachment for instructions. Your final instructions are: Use bullet points to answer; be clear on your answers Summary of you 1. Why are you interested in the Counseling and Human Services field? Why do you want to be a Licensed Clinical Social Worker? 2. Where did you grow up? (Queens, NY) 3. Provide demographics: race, ethnicity, etc. (Hispanic, (Cuban & Brazilian) Populations. Describe the population you wish to work with and why?
Victims of domestic violence.
Females- Domestic Violence victims ages 18-34; I can relate and I am a survivor of dv Population Statistics (for females ages 18-34 that are victims of domestic violence) Provide background of the population you wish to work with including stats • Include a chart and reference • Include statistics and reference Community Views (short answer, no bullet points). Please discuss how your community views your chosen population. i.e., micro aggressions, race, stigma, stereotypes, etc. associated with the population of your choice (dv) Policy (short answer, no bullet points) Describe any policy that has a negative impact on your population.
Victims of domestic violence.
Discuss how policy currently affects your population. i.e., welfare systems, employment, education, etc. Choose one subject area. You the worker and the population (short answer, no bullet points) • What will be your profound impact on the population you have chosen to serve. i.e., why should the population trust you? Professional Skills (short answer, minimal bullet points) Describe the skills you will need to help the population of your choice. What skills do you have to help the population help themselves? Advocacy (short answer, minimal bullet points) Describe how you would advocate for change with your chosen population. How will you advocate for this population? i.e., policy development, working with politicians, developing an organization, etc…
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