Tag Archives: social class

Linguistic Repertoire 2023 Best

Writing Assignment: Linguistic Repertoire ‘Linguistic repertoire’ refers the group of languages that an individual speaker has learned in their lifetime. This included, broadly speaking, the speaker’s ‘first language’ or ‘native language’ and all the styles and registers that are included within proficiency in the native language.

Linguistic Repertoire

Writing Assignment: Linguistic Repertoire ‘Linguistic repertoire’ refers the group of languages that an individual speaker has learned in their lifetime. This included, broadly speaking, the speaker’s ‘first language’ or ‘native language’ and all the styles and registers that are included within proficiency in the native language. It may also include regional or standardized varieties of the first language that come from membership to certain speech communities (defined, for example, by educational level, social class, ethnicity, etc.). The individual speaker’s linguistic repertoire is not static, but can change over the course of the speaker’s life as they learn new languages or lose proficiency in second languages.

Linguistic Repertoire

In an essay of 400 – 1000 words describe your linguistic repertoire and the speech communities that you are a member of. Be sure to take a full account of all the varieties — standard, non-standard and standardizing — that you are able to use in both speech and writing. This may include varieties, registers or styles that have passive bilingualism in (i.e. you can understand, but cannot speak or write) and second languages that you haves studied formally. Furthermore, when describing speech communities keep in mind that membership is achieved through processes of socialization; birth in a particular location does not define the speech community that you are a member of. MAXIMUM LENGTH: 1000 words.

Linguistic Repertoire

ASSESSMENT: Letter grades with +/–, to be converted to point values according to the ‘percentage mode’ of the grade (see course syllabus). Total maximum is 200 points. ROUGH DRAFT: Must be submitted to the UM Moodle by the date and time specified in the course syllabus. (No credit will be given for submitting a rough draft, but you must do so in order to participate in the Peer Revision Workshop, which worth 10 points).

Linguistic Repertoire

PEER REVISION WORKSHOP: Must be completed within Turnitin as a PeerMark assignment. 10 points will be given for participation in the workshop and completion of no fewer than two peer-review questionnaires. FINAL DRAFT DUE: Must be submitted to UM Moodle by the date and time specified in the course syllabus. LATE SUBMISSIONS: Late papers will be penalised one letter grade per day or part thereof received after the due date. https://youtu.be/vYhWOCEM-iA

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Current Events Essay 2022 Best

Current Events Essay involves identifying a current events that ties to sociological issues or social problems surrounding issues in our society such as race, ethnicity, gender, social class, politics, religions, etc.

Current Events Essay

Current Events Essay. You will choose a current events that ties to sociological issues or social problems surrounding issues in our society such as race, ethnicity, gender, social class, politics, religions, etc. The article that you choose can be from any reputable newspaper, magazine, or news website. This current event must be published within the last three months. From here you will explain the event and use your sociological perspective to analyze this current event. Include a sociological analysis (using at least 4 sociological concepts, definitions, or terms such as race, gender, or social class from our e-Text.

Current Events Essay

You will also use one sociological theory that explains this issue best, conflict theory, functionalism, feminist theory, symbolic interactionism. Your essay will be 3 pages in length utilizing APA format. Your total work should be 4-6 pages long with a Title and Reference page.) Spacing: Double-spaced. Font: 12. The book where you must get those 4 terms is attached the cover in the files. https://youtu.be/qmFKpPGj0jo

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Sustaining cultural values. 2022 Best

The aim of this paper  is to critically assess the stories, explaining their role in sustaining cultural values. We have discussed the intersection between sports and society on a variety of issues including race, gender, and social class.

Sustaining cultural values.

Critical Analysis Paper 7-8 pages Papers should be 7-8 pages in length. Each paper should have a bare minimum of 10 cited references (you should easily find far more than this in news reports alone). All papers must follow MLA or APA guidelines for research paper writing. Papers will be graded on quality of writing, clarity of argument, depth of analysis, and quality of insights. While you will need to perform only limited academic research for this assignment (few journal articles), you will need to complete a full study of one story and your works cited page should note references to a complete cycle of reports.

Sustaining cultural values.

This paper is not a review of the events that were reported, nor is it a repetition of news reports. You are to critically assess the stories, explaining their role in sustaining cultural values. We have discussed the intersection between sports and society on a variety of issues including race, gender, and social class. You are to trace a story involving sports and one of these key social concerns (or other major social concerns) from the last five years. Writing on an older story will lead to a zero on this assignment. You are to trace the entire “story” of one major sports event of the last five years.

You are to follow the story’s trajectory from first report to last report.

Sustaining cultural values.

Thus, the story must (for the moment) be considered dead (ended). Your analysis of the story will involve a critical discussion of the value systems the narrators brought to this particular issue. As we’ve noted, in some cases, sports have been well ahead of society in bringing about social change, in many other cases, sports have been way behind society and in most cases sports have followed their own unique value criteria in matters of race, gender, sexuality, disabilities, and social class.

Sustaining cultural values.

As we’ve also noted, media (the story-tellers— news services, broadcasters, sports talk sites) tend to be the arbiters of values in these cases. That is, by telling the story, they set value expectations for audiences and motivate us to see some players as “right” and others as “wrong.” So, the tension between the values expressed within the sport and the values of the larger society are played out in the media coverage of the sports. https://youtu.be/v03-Q8Tt2fY

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Bilingual education 2022 Best

This paper explores the need for education. While Richard Rodriguez believes bilingual education is a bad idea, he is a staunch supporter of education in general.

Bilingual education

The Prompt: (How) Does Education Change You? Paper instructions: While Richard Rodriguez believes bilingual education is a bad idea, he is a staunch supporter of education in general. In fact, he argues in the essay “Aria” from Hunger of Memory (1982) that his public success due to his education was worth great personal cost. Does education (re)shape an individual in terms of social class, values, goals, etc and if so, how? If not, what other factors are more important than education in defining an individual?

Bilingual education

Use Rodriguez’s essay to establish your topic, and cite at least one specific example of how he feels his education changed him. The rest of your examples can be from Rodriguez, personal experience, or research from credible resources. Guidelines You will submit the FINAL DRAFT (at least 4 double-spaced pages) at the end of Modules 13-14. Please read the instructions below before submitting your final draft. An arguable thesis that includes education & its effect, or other forces that shape an individual Begin the essay with an epigraph from Rodriguez

Bilingual education

Careful support using at least two quotes or details from Rodriguez, including your epigraph (you may agree or disagree, or some combination thereof, with these examples) Typed in 12-point standard font and double-spaced with one-inch margins. Edited and proofread (typos/ carelessness will reduce your grade). A title that hints tantalizingly at your thesis. You are not required to conduct any research, but if you choose to cite any sources besides “Aria,” please include parenthetical citations and prepare a “Works Cited” page. If you only refer to the one text, parenthetical citations are unnecessary; simply mention the full name of the author, title, and year of the book at first reference (see above), and then quote freely. https://youtu.be/FYq2t7SxiWQ

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Philippine Political System 2022 Best

The purpose of this course is to explore the Philippine Political System as it has gone through a transformation since the mid-1980s, after the People Power Revolution and the subsequent downfall of the Ferdinand Marcos regime.

Philippine Political System

Politics in the Philippines. Paper instructions:  The purpose of this course is to explore the Philippine Political System as it has gone through a transformation since the mid-1980s, after the People Power Revolution and the subsequent downfall of the Ferdinand Marcos regime. This course will investigate the moral struggles of achieving democracy, maintaining political stability, mitigating social inequality, and presidential leadership and management.

Philippine Political System

This course will analyze the impact of social class, language, education, and values on democratization, governance, and domestic policy. 2 Paper should be at least 20 pages in length, double-spaced, with one-inch margins and 12-point font. You have the option of which writing format (i.e., MLA, APA, Chicago, etc.) to usefor in-text citations and the selected reference page. 3 Following the main idea of the article I provided will allow five citations to write the article. https://youtu.be/IH0FDFhraBU

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