Tag Archives: collaborative

Colon cancer Treatment. 2023 expert

For this assignment we will focus on colon cancer Treatment. The assignment incorporates the following major course learning objectives: · Apply the nursing process to the care of adults experiencing complex alterations in health in collaboration with the inter/interprofessional team.

Colon cancer Treatment.

Colon Cancer: NRSG 116 Geriatrics/Complex Medical-Surgical Nursing for the Practical Nurse Criteria for Cancer.  Presentations Instructions and Rubric This assignment incorporates the following major course learning objectives: · Apply the nursing process to the care of adults experiencing complex alterations in health in collaboration with the inter/intraprofessional team. (SLO 4) · Examine the ordered plan of treatment of adults experiencing complex alterations in health. (SLO 3, 4) · Identify characteristic assessment findings, teaching, and unique health care needs of adults and geriatric patients as they related to collaborative, safe, culturally competent, and holistic patient-centered care.

Colon cancer Treatment.

(SLO 2, 4, 6, 8) Instructions: You will be assigned a topic related to a specific cancer. You are expected to research the cancer and present it to your classmates during NRSG116 course time. Each presentation should be about 10 minutes in length. The guidelines for content to include are outlined on the grading rubric. You may present the material lecture style via a visual presentation, such as a Power Point document, Word document, or handout. You may also choose to present the content via peer interaction, such as a question-and-answer time, a simulation, etc.

Colon cancer Treatment.

Feel free to be creative but remember to keep your presentation professional. Your presentation must be uploaded to Canvas 48 hours prior to your assigned presentation date. Your submission must include your reference page. For example: if you submit a PowerPoint presentation- the last slide will include your references, if you decide to do an activity as your presentation you must submit photos or a copy of the presentation in addition to the reference page to Canvas to receive points for the uploading of the presentation. https://youtu.be/1WY901tAIpE

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Professional skills in social work. 2023 Best

Overview Throughout this course you have learned about the basic practice and professional skills in social work. Items such as attending behaviors, interviewing skills, engagement, and the importance of building a strong, collaborative, and empowering working relationship with your client have been discussed.

Professional skills in social work.

Professional Development 910:332 Final Project Overview Throughout this course you have learned about the basic practice and professional skills in social work. Items such as attending behaviors, interviewing skills, engagement, and the importance of building a strong, collaborative, and empowering working relationship with your client have been discussed. In this two part project students will demonstrate ethical and professional behavior by: a. Watching either video from Sessions or a TV show episode or movie that is based on a scene that includes counseling / interviewing and submitting a process recording based on the video demonstrating your role as social worker and your response to the client during that session.

Professional skills in social work.

b. Writing a reflection/ analysis paper that focuses on the roles of social worker / counselor in the video; the skills of the GIM present in the client – worker exchange; explain how social work values and ethics implicitly and / or explicitly enacted during the worker- client exchange This assignment assesses the knowledge, skills, and cognitive affective dimensions of the following CSWE Competency Competency 1: Demonstrate Ethical and Professional Behavior a. Social workers understand the value base of the profession and its ethical standards, as well as relevant laws and regulations that may impact practice at the micro, mezzo, and macro levels.

Professional skills in social work.

b. Social workers recognize personal values and the distinction between personal and professional values c. They also understand how their personal experiences and affective reactions influence their professional judgment and behavior d. Social workers understand the profession’s history, its mission, and the roles and responsibilities of the profession Specifically students will: Part one: Choose and watch a depiction of a client – worker counseling / interviewing situation Watch either video from Sessions or a TV show episode or movie that is based on a scene that includes counseling / interviewing and submit a process recording based on the video demonstrating your role as social worker and your response to the client during that session.

Professional skills in social work.

Part two: Write a Reflection and Analysis paper (4-5 pages) For part two you will reflect on the video scene viewed and consider insights gained from the course in order to consider and analyze the skills used and identify the role(s) exhibited and GIM skills present in the video. Further, an identification of potential ethical issues will be explored. Students will identify the core values and roles utilized in this interaction. Your reflection and analysis paper should include the following: · The GIM stage(s) evident in the video · Potential ethical issues that could arise in this particular situation (using the CSWE code of ethics ethical principles) including but not limited to your own potential personal/professional conflict with client situation.

Professional skills in social work.

The core values exhibited in exchange with worker and client (which ones are represented in this exchange) · Identification of attending and communication and interviewing skills used to engage the client(s) using your text as a reference · Role(s) exhibited by worker (i.e. broker, teacher, etc.) including potential roles that may be used in future exchanges with the client(s) and how they fit into the overall helping process using your text as a reference · Personal reflection on completing the process recording including identified strengths and challenges experienced, . https://youtu.be/mPRUNGGORDo

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Natural and Applied Sciences 2023 Best

This paper explores diversity and the Natural and Applied Sciences. Each discussion is meant to be a collaborative space for conversation in which to process the concepts within the course.

Natural and Applied Sciences.

5-1 Discussion: Diversity and the Natural and Applied Sciences. Each discussion is meant to be a collaborative space for conversation in which to process the concepts within the course. To ensure an interesting and respectful discussion, you are encouraged to think creatively about your initial posts and build upon the points made by your peers. Discussing challenges that face our world often means investigating opinions and ideas different from your own. Remember to remain thoughtful and respectful towards your peers and instructor in your discussion post and replies, as discussed in the Module One Overview.

Natural and Applied Sciences.

It is also important to review the module resources and read the prompts in their entirety before participating in the discussion. Create one initial post and follow up with at least two response posts. For your initial post, address the following: Identify a scientific topic that interests you. This might be something that you want to learn more about or perhaps something that has always fascinated you. Summarize the topic in 1–3 sentences. Develop a research question about the topic. What do you want to know about it? What connections, causes, or effects are you curious about? How might having a greater awareness of diversity and bias benefit scientific research on your question? https://youtu.be/yVN1–sd8hA

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