Tag Archives: journal

Develop a research question 2022 Best

The aim of this paper is to select a particular education topic and then develop a research question to be answered. Your research question will help you to narrow down your topic and develop a thesis statement.

Develop a research question

Paper instructions: The student will select a particular education topic and then develop a research question to be answered. Your research question will help you to narrow down your topic and develop a thesis statement. Answer your research question using journals, the Internet, and other library resources. You must have a minimum of 3 references used and cited in this paper and your textbook can be used as one reference. The paper should be from 3 ½ to 4 pages long. Students may not use papers that have been or will be used in other courses. Plagiarism will result in an immediate course grade of F. Following is a list of preapproved topics.

Develop a research question

You may choose one of these or another topic of personal interest with the instructor’s approval. These are broad topics, and you can narrow your search accordingly. It is best to create a research question based on your topic. Again, all topics not listed must be approved first by the instructor. It is probably best to first pick a topic, and then create a research question so that you have a clear focus. This research question will eventually turn into your thesis statement. Topics Americans with Disabilities Act. Literacy in America. ADHD/ADD. Racial and Ethnic Justice Issues in American Education. Bilingual Education.

Develop a research question

Bullying in Schools. Autism. Economic Injustice Issues Related to American School Districts. Standardized Assessments. Constructivism. School Safety The Pros and Cons of Teacher-led vs. Student-led instruction. Early Childhood Education. Classroom Management. Technology in Education. NYS Standards. Teacher Tenure. Class Size. Mental Health. Flipped Classrooms. Social-Emotional Learning (SEL). School Choice (e.g., charter school, public school). Using APA format only. Please Note: The Databases provide you with the formatting and how to cite for your reference page. It is a tool where you just have to copy and paste it onto your paper.

Develop a research question

The field of education is a social science, so as a result, all assignments (Journal, Philosophy, Book Review, Research) submitted must follow APA (American Psychological Association) formatting. This course expects that people understand the fundamentals of research and composition. Please make use of the library staff (Library Home Page (sunysuffolk.edu)) and the academic skills center or writing lab on any of the three campuses. You can review the requirements of APA formatting on SCCC’s library webpage, under the reference section.

Develop a research question

Begin Here! Citations in Library Databases – Citing – Research Guides at Suffolk County Community College (sunysuffolk.edu). Simply go to the drop tab and click on citation guide. The OWL (online writing lab) at Purdue is the most thorough, and easy to read, in regard to APA style and formatting: http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/ Your research paper should include the following: Cover page Reference page Pagination As is explained in the OWL pages, a font size of 12 and font style of Times New Roman is expected. Double-Spaced. https://youtu.be/mrWeLJZydUU

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Foster Case Study. 2022 Best

This assignment focuses on foster Case Study. Questions to address: 1. What are the primary needs of the family? What are some community resources that may be helpful to assist the family? 2. What are the primary safety and risk issues for this family?

Foster Case Study.

Examine the case study listed on pages 189–190 in your textbook. Think about and evaluate the foster care placement options that may be ideal in this scenario. Then, address the following questions in a reflective journal assignment: 1. What are the primary needs of the family? What are some community resources that may be helpful to assist the family? 2. What are the primary safety and risk issues for this family? 3. What is the best course of action for this family? Justify your answer with facts and/or examples based on your readings and research.

Foster Case Study.

Overview: Examine the case study listed on pages 189–190 in your textbook. Analyze the foster care placement options that may be ideal in this scenario. Then, address the following questions in a 3–4 paragraph reflective journal assignment: Only use sources provided Chapter 8 Downs, S. W., Moore, E., McFadden, E. J., & Costin, L. B. (2009). Child welfare and family services: Policies and practice. Boston: Pearson Allyn & Bacon. https://youtu.be/mJg_wYYAX3E

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Child Trafficking in the United States. 2022 Best

This assignment entails creating annotated references list on child trafficking in the United States. The annotated references list allows students to gather and review previous research and develop a thorough set of knowledge related to your interest (rather than cherry-pick sources that serve the ideas already in your head).

Child Trafficking in the United States.

The annotated references list allows students to gather and review previous research and develop a thorough set of knowledge related to your interest (rather than cherry-pick sources that serve the ideas already in your head). The annotated references list must include at least 10 scholarly articles related to your area of research. Students will summarize each relevant scholarly source and detail important and relevant information relating to their topic. Students must list the title, author, and journal for each source, using APA formatting. The Research Bundle must be typed, using a 12-point Times New Roman Font, and uploaded to Canvas as a Word document.

Child Trafficking in the United States.

Topic is Child Trafficking in the United States Annotated References List (50 points) The annotated references list allows students to gather and review previous research and develop a thorough set of knowledge related to your interest (rather than cherry-pick sources that serve the ideas already in your head). The annotated references list must include at least 10 scholarly articles related to your area of research. Students will summarize each relevant scholarly source and detail important and relevant information relating to their topic. Students must list the title, author, and journal for each source, using APA formatting.

Child Trafficking in the United States.

The Research Bundle must be typed, using a 12-point Times New Roman Font, and uploaded to Canvas as a Word document. The Annotated References List is due on Sunday, by 11:59 PM What to Include in Your Annotations: To assist you in gathering relevant sources and to prepare you for your literature review, you will submit annotated references of 10 relevant scholarly research articles for your project. You should write each annotated reference in paragraph format. The components may change slightly depending on the type of article you read, but the following is the list of elements you should include for each of your annotated references:

Child Trafficking in the United States.

Complete reference, formatted in APA format, include hyperlink to electronic source. • What is this paper about and what gap is this research filling? • What population/sample was tested or studied? • Explain how the independent and dependent variables (or main variables) are operationalized. • How was the data collected? Or what data was used? • What were the main findings and conclusions? • How does this research fit in with what you will be studying? How does it inform your study? https://youtu.be/ucr8ZeSitmw

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HLTH 440 HEALTH PROMOTION PROGRAM assignment entails writing a comprehensive literature review of the articles using APA format. Peer Reviewed JOURNAL articles do not include web sites. Articles must be from a Journal.


Literature Review – Worth 125 points Instructions: Read the additional resources provided in Moodle related to creating a literature review. NOTE: You cannot use a previous paper from a previous class as your submission. Be sure to review what a Literature Review is from the resources. Papers that do not follow the format required, will receive a 0. 1. Choose a health topic that interests you. Narrowing your research to a specific health topic, dates, and population will help focus your search. Only use articles that have been written within the last 5-10 years.


Total paper must be at least 10 pages but can be more to ensure complete and detailed review of each article, cover page (1), intro, body, summary (8), reference page (1). 2. Research and find at least 4 peer reviewed journal articles that address your chosen health topic. Peer Reviewed JOURNAL articles do not include web sites. Articles must be from a Journal. Some Journals are available online and most can be accessed through the Library online. Be sure you understand the difference. If you have questions, ASK. 3. Write a comprehensive literature review of the articles using APA format.


Resources are provided on the class Moodle site and more help can be found at Dupre’ Library or online on how to write in APA format and the required format for a research paper. 4. The literature review must contain but is not limited to: a. Cover Page – Name, class, and topic (APA format) b. Introduction – Overview of topic including but not limited to the prevalence, statistics and reason for choosing the topic. c. Body – Summary of each article (4 total) as per literature review procedures in resources provided including in text citations.


(APA format) d. Summary – Summary of information from all articles. e. Reference Page – APA format of all references/articles reviewed. Submit your paper on the Link provided in Moodle. This is a Turn It In assignment. This software will check for plagiarism. NOTE: A research question is not required for this assignment. Only a review of the literature on your chosen topic. Literature reviews are usually done in conjunction with research so many of the sources will state that a research question is needed. https://youtu.be/7BWUOnYKg2Q

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Differing Intelligence Models. 2022 Best

This paper explores differing intelligence models. Traditionally, someone who is intelligent is defined as an individual who can solve problems, use logic to answer questions, and think critically.

Differing Intelligence Models.

Learner Needs: Differing Intelligence Models Prior to engaging in this discussion, please read Chapter 7: Evolving Frameworks in your required textbook, read Multiple Intelligences: The Most Effective Platform for Global 21st Century Educational and Instructional Methodologies (Links to an external site.), How Emotional Intelligence Helps Students [Infographic] (Links to an external site.), Understanding and Developing Emotional Intelligence (Links to an external site.), and Improving Emotional Intelligence (EQ) (Links to an external site.), watch the videos Daniel Goleman Introduces Emotional Intelligence (Links to an external site.), and Emotional Intelligence (Links to an external site.), visit the webpages.

Differing Intelligence Models.

Assessment: Find Your Strengths! (Links to an external site.) and Emotional Intelligence Quiz (Links to an external site.), and review the Instructor Guidance. Traditionally, someone who is intelligent is defined as an individual who can solve problems, use logic to answer questions, and think critically. However, experts within the learning academic community have suggested broader definitions of intelligence (i.e., multiple and emotional intelligences). For this journal, complete the following: Demonstrate an understanding of intelligence (IQ), multiple intelligences (MI), and emotional intelligence (EQ) by comparing and contrasting the differing constructs associated with each.

Differing Intelligence Models.

Helpful resources: Comparison and Contrast (Links to an external site.) and Compare & Contrast Assignments (Links to an external site.) Take a sample MI assessment on the webpage Assessment: Find Your Strengths! (Links to an external site.) Review and summarize your results. Do you agree with the assessment? How can what you have learned about yourself help support your learning performance? How might what you’ve learned about yourself manifest in a career or professional setting?’ Take a sample EQ Assessment on the webpage Emotional Intelligence Quiz (Links to an external site.). Review your results.

Differing Intelligence Models

Do you agree with the assessment? How can what you have learned about yourself help support your learning performance? How might what you’ve learned about yourself manifest in a career or professional setting?’ Thinking critically about these foundational differences, comment on the broader propositions suggested by EQ and MI about learning preferences and development and how these may modify the way individuals assess another’s strengths and weaknesses. https://youtu.be/FsLLD-4enaE

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fetal testing during pregnancy 2022 Best

For this assignment, you  will be reflecting on fetal testing during pregnancy for birth defects and how testing has led to a decrease in specific birth defects in various countries.

 fetal testing during pregnancy

For this assignment, you will enter some thoughts into your journal. You will be reflecting on fetal testing during pregnancy for birth defects and how testing has led to a decrease in specific birth defects in various countries. 1. Review this unit’s required reading. 2. Read this online article, “What kind of society do you want to live in?”: Inside the country where Down syndrome is disappearing.” (Links to an external site.) 3. View the CDC’s statistics page on Down syndrome data in the United States (Links to an external site.).

 fetal testing during pregnancy

4. In a journal entry, connect what you read about in this chapter article on the extreme decrease in live births of infants with Down syndrome in Iceland:  How does this article’s statistics from Iceland compare to the United States’ statistics? What are the implications for a society with a much lower population of children with birth defects, specifically Down syndrome? What are the moral, ethical, and societal issues at play in these decisions and societal trends? Do you feel that this article presented this data from a slanted or biased viewpoint?

 fetal testing during pregnancy

Be sure to use a paragraph to answer each question above. Your paper must be at least one page in length, double spaced with normal margins and font size, not including footers and headers. 5. Please write the discussion using a strict 7th edition APA format. It must contain a title page and a reference page. Please cite both articles and any other sources you used. https://youtu.be/_esAs0vVFd4

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