Tag Archives: statistics

Mode and standard deviation. 2023 Best

This assignment involves calculating mean, median, mode and standard deviation. Using the data you collected last week: Calculate and tell the value of each of the following. Explain what each of these statistics tells you about your data and what they suggest about your sample.

Mode and standard deviation.

Using the data you collected last week: Calculate and tell the value of each of the following. Explain what each of these statistics tells you about your data and what they suggest about your sample. Mean median mode standard deviation range of five number summary Find any outliers. Discuss how those outliers are affecting your results. Create a box-and-whisker plot of the data. What does this suggest the shape of the data is? Create a stem and leaf plot of the data. What does this suggest the shape of the data is? Shape: What does the box-and-whisker plot suggest the shape of the data is?

Mode and standard deviation.

What does the stem and leaf plot suggest the shape of the data is? Do the shapes match for both? Do they match the shape that the histogram suggests the data would be (from last week’s activity)? 1a. Create a table or spreadsheet that lists 10 or more possible career areas—including estimated annual salaries and brief job descriptions. Rate how much you think you would like each potential career area on a scale from 1 (“don’t like”) to 10 (“like the most”). You can use Word or Excel for this part of the assignment. 1b. Highlight roles that you feel pertain to information systems.

Mode and standard deviation.

Add a column to briefly describe where this role fits within the umbrella of information systems. Save as doc or xls depending on which application you’ve used. 2. Use presentation software to create a set of three slides that identifies the top three things you hope to learn from this course and why each is important to you. Save as a PPT file. https://youtu.be/lp2nTFdYGec

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Controversial issue in criminal justice. 2023 Best

This paper explores a controversial issue in criminal justice. As you progress in your major you probably read about incidents in print/online newspapers or magazines, and sometimes these incidents make you question decisions/policies within your future industry.

Controversial issue in criminal justice.

As you progress in your major you probably read about incidents in print/online newspapers or magazines, and sometimes these incidents make you question decisions/policies within your future industry. When you learn about these incidents you think to yourself: “this could have been prevented”, “it could have been handled better”, “why don’t they develop a policy to prevent this from happening?”, “isn’t there a more efficient way to handle this?” – the list of questions is endless. For example, as a criminal justice major you may have read articles about domestic violence victims who refuse to press charges against his/her abuser and then are murdered.

Controversial issue in criminal justice.

Maybe you thought to yourself: “why wasn’t the abuser arrested even though the victim didn’t want to press charges”?  Your thought process actually questions police policy. *YOUR formal report will explore a controversial issue in your major course of study/industry and will require that you recommend solutions to address the problem/issue (recommendation report) that you identify For Week 10: *All that is due filled in for the outline is: Use the sample 1 have provided as your guide 1) letter of transmittal 2) Introduction 3) The table of contents -just the page numbers.

Controversial issue in criminal justice.

1. In order to begin the project, this week you will locate newspaper/magazine articles etc. via the Internet about a recent incident or controversial issue in your major course of study. 2. Next you will write the outline of the recommendation report AND identify the issue the incident raises about your industry (employee turnover police brutality, nurse staffing levels, etc). *You should use the sample recommendation report I have provided. Fill in as much information as you can. If you do not have all of the information you can put N/A. However, please make sure all of the headings are there.

Controversial issue in criminal justice.

Once you have identified the issue, you will conduct a Boolean search via the Monroe College Library electronic databases to locate 3 (Primary) scholarly and trade journal articles that discuss the issue AND write a summary of the articles findings and then why the article will be useful for your report. Then look for 2 (Secondary). internet sources and write summaries for those and then why the article will be useful for your report. Be sure to refer to the website evaluation checklist http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/TeachingLib/Guides /Internet/EvalForm.pdf_ to determine if your Internet source is appropriate for academic use.

Controversial issue in criminal justice.

You are a manager/supervisor in a company or organization in your desired future industry. At a recent staff meeting the decision maker within your company/organization (Vice President, Captain, Director, etc) stated that he/she is aware of the negative publicity the company/organization has received due to an issue covered in the media. The decision maker wants to implement some type of action to address the issue and asks you to prepare a report that includes an analysis of the situation, recommendations to address/resolve/prevent the issue, and a visual aid.

Controversial issue in criminal justice.

Procedure: In order for you to complete this assignment you will need to conduct some research about the issue (causes, prevalence, statistics, liability/costs) and methods to address/remedy/prevent the issue. Your research should include: at least THREE (Primary) scholarly/trade journal articles (use library electronic databases) and at least TWO (Secondary) Internet sources. https://youtu.be/M3XGQd4i5zM

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Project on Fast Food Nation. 2023 Best

This is a research project on Fast Food Nation. The research project is a long-term project that will ultimately result in a typed, 1500- word research paper (not to include works cited).

Project on Fast Food Nation.

Research Project : The research project is a long-term project that will ultimately result in a typed, 1500- word research paper (not to include works cited). Your task is to write a paper following the guidelines described in The Owl and/or the Writing and Research Handbook. Topic  Must be argumentative  Must involve an issue, or related issue, brought up in Fast Food Nation  The majority of your sources must be within the past ten years Requirements  The final paper must be at least 1500 words (size 12 font; use a common font such as Times New Roman); 1500-word minimum of text does not include outline and works cited; you must follow MLA formatting (view link under directions)

Project on Fast Food Nation.

 You must use at least five sources in your paper; at least two sources must be print sources (or at least they should exist in print – think journals, books, studies, etc.), including electronic sources. Information from television programs, lectures, personal interviews, and so forth may be used provided that it is correctly documented.  The paper must have an explicit thesis statement and precise topic sentences  Support your points using evidence from your sources (expert testimony, statistics, examples, etc.)  Your paper should be a synthesis of information from your sources and your own inferences, comments, and conclusions.

Project on Fast Food Nation.

You should not be overly reliant on any one source, nor should your paper be a patchwork of information from your sources.  Information from your sources must be correctly and accurately quoted, paraphrased, and summarized  Sources must be documented using MLA-style parenthetical references (in-text citations) and a works cited page  You must be prepared to make all source material, including print sources, available to instructor. Research Because the quality of your paper depends on the quality of your information, you will want to give yourself ample time and opportunity to gather and analyze materials.

Project on Fast Food Nation.

Do not use Wikipedia. Use professional sources. Read p. 12 in the Writing and Research Handbook on how to evaluate sources. Grading Content and use of sources 20 points Organization 20 points Documentation 20 points Accurate quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing 20 points Grammar, spelling, and punctuation 20 points * Grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors will result in a loss of points. * Do not write more than 1700 words of text. * You must complete the research paper to pass the course.https://youtu.be/Ec86gGVQPKw

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Chronic pain management.

This assignment entails writing an essay on medical Marijuana verses opioids for chronic pain management. Introduction Get the reader’s attention – ask a leading question; relay something enticing about the subject in a manner that commands attention.

Chronic pain management.

ESSAY OUTLINE TEMPLATE Follow the headers and replace the red explanation with your own content. Title Page This should be the first page of your outline and contain the following six required elements: Title of Paper Your Name CBD College ENG 100 and Date. Introduction Get the reader’s attention – ask a leading question; relay something enticing about the subject in a manner that commands attention. You could start with a related quote, alluring description, or narrative. Thesis Statement State the thesis – what you are going to discuss.

Chronic pain management.

You could state the causes and effects to be discussed; comparison of subject X and subject Y; your position on the issue; your proposal if applicable; and the main viewpoints that will develop your argument. Body 1. First Viewpoint, Topic sentence, Explanation a) Supporting evidence (examples, facts, theories, statistics, quoted authorities, details, reasons, etc.). This is where your intext citation will go. Please include the source of the supporting evidence used here. b) Supporting evidence. This is where your intext citation will go. Please include the source of the supporting evidence used here.

Chronic pain management.

c) Conclusion and lead-in to next paragraph 2. Second Viewpoint a) Supporting evidence (examples, facts, theories, statistics, quoted authorities, details, reasons, etc.). This is where your intext citation will go. Please include the source of the supporting evidence used here. b) Supporting evidence. This is where your intext citation will go. Please include the source of the supporting evidence used here. c) Conclusion 3. Third Viewpoint (optional, two points are required) a) Supporting evidence (examples, facts, theories, statistics, quoted authorities, details, reasons, etc.)

Chronic pain management.

Conclusion Summarize your thesis and how your evidence supports your viewpoints. Re-emphasize your thesis in a fresh way, showing how you have achieved your purpose. You may wish to appeal to the reader to see how you have come to a logical conclusion, or make a memorable final statement. References 1. Reference #1 in APA format 2. Reference #2 in APA format 3. Reference #3 in APA format 4. Additional references are optional but welcomed.https://youtu.be/jPtKpIeoRcQ

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Analysis of t-Test Data 2023 Best

Review the data your coworker collected in the Analysis of t-Test Data Spreadsheet. First, plan your analysis. Second, conduct your analysis. Third, describe your analysis. Address the following in your presentation. Create a 3 slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation and include speaker notes. Include the following elements in your presentation.

Analysis of t-Test Data

You are in charge of conducting an analysis for your organization to see if there is a difference between manager and individual contributor employee satisfaction. Your coworker has already collected the data and it is ready for you to analyze. Review the data your coworker collected in the Analysis of t-Test Data Spreadsheet. First, plan your analysis. Second, conduct your analysis. Third, describe your analysis. Address the following in your presentation. Create a 3 slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation and include speaker notes. Include the following elements in your presentation.

Analysis of t-Test Data

Part 1: Planning What are the null and alternative hypotheses? Where did you obtain your data or who obtained it for you? Part 2: Analysis What are the descriptive statistics for your sample? Include: Sample size Mean Median Mode Standard deviation Analysis Procedures: What did you do to conduct your analysis? Part 3: Results and Discussion What are the test statistics and results? Include t statistic p-value What are the results? Are the results inferable to the population? Do you reject or fail to reject the null hypothesis? Explain. What do the results mean? What is your recommendation to the organization? https://youtu.be/ijeEYFnS2v4

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Discrete Random Variables 2023 Best

Week 3 Discussion 1: Discrete Random Variables and Continuous Random Variables. In discussing variables in health-related research it is important to understand the differences between discrete random variables and continuous random variables.

Discrete Random Variables

Week 3 Discussion 1: Discrete Random Variables and Continuous Random Variables. In discussing variables in health-related research it is important to understand the differences between discrete random variables and continuous random variables. According to information from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2012, May 18), discrete random variables are values that are integers while continuous random variables can hold any value within a certain range. In terms of using these variables in health-related data discrete random variables may be used by epidemiologists in calculating the number of people who were exposed to a specific risk factor such as smoking or drinking alcohol.

Discrete Random Variables

Continuous random variables will be used to calculate conditions or fatalities that happen within a specific period of time, this may include infant mortality rates (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention., 2012, May 18). Continuous variables may be used in order to describe certain health conditions and discrete variables can be used in quantifying data on health measures. Probability is also an important factor when discussing health-related statistics, however, it is important to understand the differences between binomial and normal probability distributions.

Discrete Random Variables

Based on information from Sullivan, L. (2018), binomial probability can be used when an experiment has two different outcomes while normal probability is used in order to calculate the likelihood that a specific event may occur, this may include the event that an individuals will screen positive for a disease during the study or experiment (p. 70-75). Binomial probability can be used when using discrete variables as they may include multiple categories within each variable, while it is best to use normal probability distribution when using continuous random variables for which there may only be one important distribution in the data set (Viti, A., Terzi, A., and Bertolaccini, L., 2015).

Discrete Random Variables

The 68-95-99.7 rule or empirical rule is used in normal distribution to describe the range in which a value falls in relation to the mean. It dictates that 68% of all values will fall within one standard deviation from the mean, 95% of values will fall within 2 standard deviations of the mean, and 99.7% of values will fall within 3 standard deviations of the mean (Sullivan, L., 2018, p.79).

You can anticipate that a continuous variable with a normal distribution will always fall between the mean – 3 standard deviations or the mean + 3 standard deviations with the total area of a curve in a probability distribution being 1 when can then find out where a variable lies within a normal distribution (Sullivan, L., 2018, p.79-80).

Discrete Random Variables

References Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2012, May 18). Principles of Epidemiology: Lesson 4, Section 1|Self-Study course SS1978|CDC. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved January 16, 2023, from https://www.cdc.gov/csels/dsepd/ss1978/lesson4/section1.html Sullivan, L. (2018). Essentials of Biostatistics in Public Health (3rd ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning. Viti, A., Terzi, A., & Bertolaccini, L. (2015). A practical overview on probability distributions. Journal of thoracic disease, 7(3), E7–E10. https://doi.org/10.3978/j.issn.2072-1439.2015.01.37. https://youtu.be/dOr0NKyD31Q

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System Modelling and Simulation 2022 Best

This assignment focuses on system modelling and simulation (Arena Software). Reports for the assignment and project comprise the following three elements: 1. Main body of assignment The key issues to be addressed in the main body of the assignment are in brief the following: Flowchart Description: A clear explanation of how the model was built should be provided.

System Modelling and Simulation

Reports for the assignment and project comprise the following three elements: 1. Main body of assignment The key issues to be addressed in the main body of the assignment are in brief the following: Flowchart Description: A clear explanation of how the model was built should be provided. This should mainly refer to the modules that were used and their exact place in the flowchart. This part should also provide an indication of how the major parameters of these modules have been set. One good way to achieve this is by using screenshots of the windows/dialog boxes presenting the modules’ parameters.

System Modelling and Simulation

Note: You are not expected to describe how you literally built the model using Arena. Descriptions of how the modules were selected from the project bar and then placed on the model window or of how the property dialog boxes of each module were accessed so as to enter data are considered to be obvious and therefore should be omitted. Run Setup Parameters: Based on the requirements of each specific problem/exercise, you are expected to make decisions on how the simulation run setup parameters should be determined.

The simulation run setup refers mainly to the number of replications, replication length, time units and in general all the parameters included in the Replication Parameters tag appearing in the Setup option of the Run menu.

System Modelling and Simulation

The determination of setup parameters that conform to the requirements of the assignments is a key point. Incorrect selection of the run setup parameters will result in findings different from those expected (regardless of the fact that the model can be absolutely correct). Answers to the exercises’ questions: Following the presentation of the model, the main part of the assignment should serve the purpose of identifying the questions that need to be answered for each problem/exercise. Furthermore, it is expected that a complete and clearly stated answer should be provided for each of these questions.

System Modelling and Simulation

Whenever the problems’ questions are related to one or more of the collected statistics, the answers presented should be in accordance with those appearing in the statistics reports (see section below for the appendix). In some cases the problems/exercises require, in addition to a number of statistics, information on e.g. the system performance under a number of alternative scenarios or a number of plots, animations etc. It is important to note that you will be assessed against all the required information. 2 -4 2. Report Appendix In the appendix you are expected to provide the Statistics Reports.

System Modelling and Simulation

You are advised to prefer the Summary Statistics Reports, which are considerably shorter than those appearing in the Reports Panel (in the Project Bar) of the Arena interface. The Summary Statistics Reports are generated automatically by Arena after each simulation run and are saved in the form of a text file (*.out) in exactly the same folder where you saved the model. In order to be able to get such (*.out) files you may need to make appropriate changes in the fields Default Report and Display SIMAN summary report (*.out file) in the Reports tag appearing under Tools >Options.  https://youtu.be/Hv3EFIZ9vN0

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Formal research-based persuasive paper 2022 Best

For todays assignment we will learn how to write a formal research-based persuasive paper that requires proper formatting, research, and documentation.

Formal research-based persuasive paper

A formal research-based persuasive paper that requires proper formatting, research, and documentation. Assignment: Write an argumentative essay that uses research to support your claims. Support your argument with facts, experience, expert testimony, statistics, logic, and/or other types of evidence are appropriate for your essay. Remember to read numerous sources and to take into account any opposition to your argument. Study all sides of the issue, so you can argue your proposition effectively and appeal to a particular audience.

Formal research-based persuasive paper

Some General Approaches to the Essay: 1. Define a “problem” that you feel needs to be addressed. Convince the reader that the situation is indeed a problem and that your method of correcting the issue is the most effective. 2. Discuss a controversial belief or attitude. Through research, establish whether you agree or disagree with this way of thinking. Write an essay that attempts to convince your reader to agree with you. 3. Explore a topic with which you are not familiar. For instance, you might look into a controversial new medical procedure or product.

Formal research-based persuasive paper

Come to some sort of conclusion based on your research, and demonstrate your way of thinking to the reader. 4. Take a viewpoint you hold with which many people disagree. Establish some sort of moral common ground with your reader. From this starting point, explain why your belief falls in line with the reader’s own values. A Caution: We will be working on this essay for a few weeks. However, do not plan on waiting until the last minute to research and write your paper. General requirements · Length: 5 or more pages, not including the Works Cited page. If your paper is 5 pages long, when you add your works cited page, you have 6 pages total.

Formal research-based persuasive paper

Provide accurate in-text citations and a Works Cited page that includes all of your sources and is correctly formatted in MLA style. · Use at least 7 different sources for your paper, at least 4 of them from peer-reviewed, academic journals. · Use a title that is at least somewhat creative and that reflects what your paper is about. · Satisfy the below description of excellent work Annotated Bibliography For this assignment, you will put together an annotated bibliography of no less than ten sources (seven peer-reviewed) to be submitted on Wednesday, November 30. This task counts 15% of the overall grade for the essay.

Formal research-based persuasive paper

An annotated bibliography is similar to a Works Cited page in MLA style. In addition to your citations, include a brief paragraph summarizing the work and explaining why the source is relevant to your topic. For more help, consult The Little Seagull Reader. Excellent Work · Addresses all parts of the assignment. · Follows all directions. · Maintains focus on the topic throughout. · Provides accurate, relevant details and discussion to support the thesis. · Incorporates and documents required sources material effectively using required style (MLA).

Formal research-based persuasive paper

Presents information in a logical order that fits the format and topic. · Is easy to understand because all parts of the essay are logically connected. · Uses technical/subject appropriate terminology correctly. · Contains no errors in word choice, word use, and sentence structure. · Contains no errors in spelling, punctuation, and capitalization. https://youtu.be/ONIupn91O64

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The field of developmental psychology. 2022 Best

For this assignment you are invited to write an academic essay on one of the topics in the field of developmental psychology. The essay must have a clear, logical and balanced structure with a logical flow of content across introduction, body and conclusion.

The field of developmental psychology.

Why adolescents engage in risk-taking behaviors? Essay assignment For this assignment you are invited to write an academic essay on one of the topics in the field of developmental psychology. Your instructor will provide you with a list of topics. Alternatively, you can choose your own topic to write about, provided that this topic is related to the field of developmental psychology, and it was approved by your instructor. Essay guidelines Your essay needs to focus on the topic you selected and the idea you would like to convey. The essay must have a clear, logical and balanced structure with a logical flow of content across introduction, body and conclusion.

The field of developmental psychology.

In the introductory paragraph introduce the topic and provide a brief synopsis of the essay. The most vital and important content of the essay should be presented in the body paragraph of your essay. It is important to structure and organize your arguments to create a logical and systematic flow of ideas and arguments in order to convey the main message of the essay. In the conclusion paragraph your arguments need to be summed up. End your essay with a clear conclusion resulting from the presented in the essay content. It is important that your essay introduces and presents a balanced study of a topic you selected with provision of the state-of-the-art knowledge about it. https://youtu.be/PjbHcYj1zWE

The field of developmental psychology.

You are expected to become an expert on the selected topic, and your essay should be based on theory, statistics, established facts and examples, preferably with the relevance or link to the UAE. Keep your language and writing clear and crisp. This is an academic essay, please use reliable, scientific sources and literature. Follow APA guidelines for citing/referencing your sources and formatting your essay. Add the reference list. The expected word count is 350-500 words. Avoid grammar mistakes. Prior to submission correct spelling and punctuation errors.

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Economic Indicators 2022 Best

This paper explores economic Indicators. BACKGROUND: Economic fluctuations or business cycles are nothing new. They are seen as characteristics of every capitalist economy. Nations have endured booms followed by a bust, prosperity and then depression.

Economic Indicators

Paper details: As part of your coursework, you have to write a term paper for Macroeconomics.  (More about team members in “Due Date” section) BACKGROUND: Economic fluctuations or business cycles are nothing new. They are seen as characteristics of every capitalist economy. Nations have endured booms followed by a bust, prosperity and then depression.  Although the stock market crash of 1929 is the most notorious event in our history, the memory of which is etched in our collective consciousness, it was by no means unique. Cycles in the American economy can be traced back to the beginning of the 19th century.

Economic Indicators

The 2008 downturn was termed “The Great Recession”, the longest recession since the Great Depression, the lingering effects of which stayed in our economy for years. We recently experienced the worst Pandemic in a century. GDP fell at an unprecedented rate in the early days of Pandemic. Many economists were comparing this time period to the Great Depression.  The impact of the pandemic is being felt globally and its effects have not subsided yet. Sometimes outside factors, such as wars (or pandemics) establish the economy’s direction. More often internal factors establish its direction.

Economic Indicators

Economists want to be able to forecast the direction the economy will take in the near future and they rely on different economic indicators. They have never agreed on a single economic indicator to predict the future. Some indicators are better than others, but none is consistently accurate; all give a false signal on occasion. The Business Cycle regulates the rhythmic increase and decrease in GDP that can be summarized as follows GDP Industrial production Capacity Utilization Employment Labor Productivity Unit Labor Costs Producer Prices CPI . GDP Industrial Production Capacity Utilization Employment Labor Productivity Unit Labor Costs Producer Prices CPI . https://youtu.be/2CxkNPYUMgA

Economic Indicators

ASSIGNMENT: Your team will create a report about the state of the United States economy based on your observation of six important economic indicators over the course of the semester. You must use economic indicators 1-3 below. 1. Gross Domestic Product 2. Unemployment. 3. Consumer Price Index You must also select three additional economic indicators from numbers 4-12 below. 4. Retail Sales 5. Housing Starts 6. Building Permits 7. Institute of Supply Management (ISM) Manufacturing Survey 8. Producer Price Index 9. Durable Goods Order 10. Industrial production. 11. Capacity utilization.

Economic Indicators

12. Survey of Consumer Confidence. Your Term Paper must contain the following: 1. Define the six economic indicators you have chosen and discuss how this data is obtained and calculated. (A useful book on indicators is on reserve in the library. You can also visit “Investopedia” on the internet). 2. Collect the latest data on these indicators as they become available. Data for some indicators is released monthly and for others it is released quarterly. A total of three data points for every indicator is required. For example, three months of the latest unemployment data, three months of CPI and three recent quarters of GDP.

Economic Indicators

3. Draw a time series graph that shows the monthly or quarterly data you collected. Compare the current level or rate (data from this semester) to the past levels (past 2 quarters or past three months). We are trying to see the data trend in the last three months/quarters.  4. Collect the articles/news items on these statistics from the Wall Street Journal. Highlight the points you consider are important for your analysis. You need a minimum of 12 articles (two for each indicator) from the Wall Street Journal that discuss these indicators. You may use more articles for a better and comprehensive analysis.

Economic Indicators

5. Summarize and discuss the trend that you observed for each of the indicators. For example, if the GDP is rising, why did the GDP rise (or fall) during the past three quarters? If unemployment numbers show an upward trend during the last three months, what factors are causing that? You should choose those WSJ articles which are relevant and which provide you with an economic analysis of your chosen indicators. 6. In the conclusion of your paper, discuss how all these indicators, together, impacted the economy and what your analysis predicts will be the state of the U.S. economy in the next 6 months

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