Tag Archives: values

Compare/Contrast Wallace and Jackson. 2023 Best

The aim of this assignment is to compare/Contrast Wallace and Jackson. Instructions:  Write a 1,000-word comparative essay that analyzes the perspectives held by Lane Wallace in “Do Sports Helmets Help or Hurt?” and Nate Jackson in “The N.F.L.’s Head Cases” regarding the use of helmets.

 Contrast Wallace and Jackson.

Submit: Essay #2: Compare/Contrast (Wallace and Jackson). Thoroughly respond to the following prompt: Write a 1,000-word comparative essay that analyzes the perspectives held by Lane Wallace in “Do Sports Helmets Help or Hurt?” and Nate Jackson in “The N.F.L.’s Head Cases” regarding the use of helmets. What is the crux of the disagreement? What values, priorities, interests, or fears drive the disagreement on the topic? What brings them together? Be sure to briefly summarize the readings first before stating your thesis. Include sufficient textual evidence to support your points.

Compare/Contrast Wallace and Jackson.

Essay Requirements: Essay must be at least 1,000 words (not including the Works Cited page). Please include the word count in your heading. Works Cited page is required and must, like the rest of the essay, follow MLA format. Your essay must be submitted on Canvas by the deadline. Essay Evaluation: Before turning in your essay, make sure your essay abides by the four basic features of this genre: ☐ An Informative Explanation ☐ A Clear, Logical Organization ☐ Smooth Integration of Sources ☐ Appropriate Explanatory Strategies https://youtu.be/ZyeM9lkWCug

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Personal and Professional Development Plan 2023 Best

Personal and Professional Development Plan: The objective of this activity is to intentionally & personally reflect on one’s sense of calling or vocation and on how one develops over the life course in their chosen or given role.

Personal and Professional Development Plan

Personal and Professional Development Plan: The objective of this activity is to intentionally & personally reflect on one’s sense of calling or vocation and on how one develops over the life course in their chosen or given role. You are not required to conduct additional reading for this paper, but you can cite textbooks as sources for your paper. Also you must cite source(s) for the theories that are used in the discussion of your developmental process. The paper must be 4-7 pages in length (not including the title and reference pages), in APA format. The paper should minimally include discussion of the following: ● What is a “calling or vocation?”

Personal and Professional Development Plan

● How does one come to an understanding or awareness of their “calling or vocation?” ● In what ways does the profession of social work relate to your sense of “calling or vocation.” ● Where are you in your understanding of “calling or vocation”? Discuss the process of arriving at this developmental stage using developmental theories taught in the SW program (e.g. Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development, Marcia’s theory of identity formation, and/or Fowler’s theory of faith development). ● A “call or vocation,” as well as a professional identity, evolves across the life course.

Personal and Professional Development Plan

How do you imagine or hope your personal and professional identity will evolve? Include a discussion of personal and professional life-goals. ● In what ways will you intentionally plan or cultivate your “call or vocation,” i.e., what steps will you take or plans will you make to more fully develop your personal and professional sense of self? ● What are essential values, principles and/or commitments that you have and expect will continue to shape and guide your personal and professional formation? How will you continue to engage in career-long learning?https://youtu.be/k5TgNevVE7Y

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Influence of emotions in the workplace. 2023 Best

This paper explore the influence of emotions in the workplace. Think of a time when your boss’s emotions influenced how you felt at work. Offer your thoughtful analysis of that event here. In your response, consider addressing the following: 1. Can you recognize the distinction between catching an emotion

Influence of emotions in the workplace.

Think of a time when your boss’s emotions influenced how you felt at work. Offer your thoughtful analysis of that event here. In your response, consider addressing the following: 1. Can you recognize the distinction between catching an emotion (e.g., your boss is angry so you catch that anger) and reacting to an emotion (e.g., your boss is angry so you become afraid)? o Do you think that your emotional reaction was colored by the fact that you had already caught your boss’s emotion? 2. How long did your emotional response last, and do you think it affected your long-term satisfaction with your job? Why or why not?

Influence of emotions in the workplace.

3. When you think of your most inspiring boss, what emotions did they display?  To what extent were they inspiring because of this emotional component? Format: • 12-point Font; New Times Roman; Double Spaced; 1″ Margins • APA Format (7th Ed.) with regard to citations; Reference page also provided • Development of Main Points • Quality of Writing Grammar, Punctuation, Spelling, and Citations (APA) Please proof-read your paper before submitting. Contact the NU Writing Center for assistance with editing.  https://youtu.be/hlfPjCviTxA

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Research paper on eating animals. 2023 Best

This assignment involves writing a research paper on eating animals. Is It ethical to eat meat? Research background information and explain what has been attempted and/or accomplished globally and nationally. Gather information, using ONLY the databases provided by the college.

Research paper on eating animals.

Is It ethical to eat meat? Research Topic: Is It ethical to eat meat? Research background information and explain what has been attempted and/or accomplished globally and nationally. Gather information, using ONLY the databases provided by the college. Keep track of your sources as you take notes. For this project, “googling” for information is not allowed. You are to use just the databases provided by the library. Neither can Wikipedia because it is not a reliable source.   Keep in mind that this is a paper that presents an argument with sufficient information that relates the opposing stance on the issue.

Research paper on eating animals.

As you research, create a list of the sources that you explore and summarize the content of each in a formal Annotated Bibliography. Develop a preliminary Thesis Statement that identifies the stand you or side of the issue that you will believe is most defensible. Create a Formal Outline and from the notes, write the Rough Draft of the Paper. The format of the paper will be MLA with correctly punctuated in-text citations and a Works Cited Page. Study the MLA section of the Writer’s Reference for a model, beginning p. 465.

Research paper on eating animals.

The paper will be no fewer than 6 double-spaced pages in Times Roman 12 pt. font in strict MLA format! The Works Cited Page is the last page of the paper but not included in the minimum 6 pages. No graphs or charts are necessary; however, if you include these, be sure that you cite them correctly. The Title of the paper will reflect your thesis (statement of your position on the issue).https://youtu.be/0eb9hVz6njQ

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Organizational Change and culture. 2023 Best

This paper explores organizational change and culture. As a manager, whether you’re a store, facilities, or a general manager in any type of environment, your teams work to meet the strategic direction of the organization.

Organizational Change and culture.

Paper instructions: As a manager, whether you’re a store, facilities, or a general manager in any type of environment, your teams work to meet the strategic direction of the organization. As strategic initiatives are adopted, you and your team may need to adapt to new directions. Change can be hard, and your team and your organization rely on your understanding of the organizational culture to support change. In this assessment, you will use your experience and the organizational change chart you completed in Week 1 to assess the organization’s culture to improve alignment among the culture, mission, vision, values, and strategies using Kotter’s 8-step change management model.

Organizational Change and culture.

You provide your assessment including how proposed decisions for improvements align to the organization’s mission, vision, values, and strategies to the leadership team. Assessment Deliverable Create a 7- to 10-slide presentation to the leadership of the organization you chose to explore in Week 1. Refer to your Organizational Change Chart from Week 1 and include the following: Describe your assessment of the current culture within the organization at the time of your experience. Refer to the organizational change chart you completed in Week 1 to describe your assessment.

Organizational Change and culture.

Develop a Change Management Plan using Kotter’s 8-Step model for the change goal you identified. Refer to the suggested actions for improvement you included in the Organizational Change Chart. Determine the desired outcome as a result of the proposed change. Analyze the alignment among the organization’s mission, vision, values, strategies, and the proposed Change Management Plan. Include speaker notes to provide additional details not already present on each slide. https://youtu.be/TMZJqeiJ67Y

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Writing Your Professional Bio. 2023 Best

This paper focuses on writing Your Professional Bio. This assignment will help you accomplish the following objectives:  Define your target market(s) for your professional brand, as well as define how your brand will be represented to those audiences.

Writing Your Professional Bio.

The assignment: IMPORTANT: Prior to completing this assignment, please read any assigned articles/videos (particularly Writing Your Professional Bio), as well as the Assignment Overview. The assigned articles/videos will provide you with guidelines that will help you to excel on this assignment. This assignment will help you accomplish the following objectives:  Define your target market(s) for your professional brand, as well as define how your brand will be represented to those audiences.  Demonstrate your ability to develop a written communication piece that you target to a particular set of audiences.

Writing Your Professional Bio.

Provide an exercise in prioritizing which information you will communicate to a particular target audience and justify why you selected and retained particular information, and why you discarded other information.  Create a vision of how your personal/professional brand will appear five years from now to act as a guide to your future personal/professional branding activities.  Have a final, usable set of current professional biographies that you can use for your branding purposes and for future MSM assignments.  Create a visual representation of your professional brand information (i.e., experience, achievements, abilities, strengths, values, etc.) via an infographic in a manner that facilitates clear communication to your target audience(s).

Writing Your Professional Bio.

This assignment consists of three parts; please read and follow the instructions carefully.  For Parts 1-3, please use 12-point Times New Roman (or similar) font with single spacing.  Use correct spelling and proper grammar. (If there is reason to deviate from proper grammar, be sure to explain that.)  Compile all materials into a single PDF document to upload to Canvas. (This may necessitate importing your infographic into Word prior to saving the document as a PDF. Adjust margins as necessary and ensure that your infographic is legible.)  For each version of the bio, list the specific word count (the character count for the 140- character version). Writing Your Professional Bio.https://youtu.be/ecw_ugVd81k

Writing Your Professional Bio.

If you’re using Microsoft Word, you can select (highlight) the focal text and view the word count in the lower left corner of your window. You can click that word count to open the Word Count dialog box for additional metrics (such as “characters with spaces”).  Have fun; don’t stress. It’s your bio and you know yourself (hopefully) better than anyone else. Part One: Your Current Bio 1. List and describe your target audience(s) and what they want that you could provide. 2. List and describe your communication purposes. What do you want to achieve with this communication piece? What information about you is critical to convey to your audiences? 2

Writing Your Professional Bio.

3. Explain the particular style, voice, tone, etc. in which you will write your bio, and why these are appropriate for your audiences and your objectives. 4. Write a current professional bio that has 450-500 words. a. This might be something that you would post on your webpage or for a formal conference as a keynote speaker. 5. Highlight (in yellow and bold text) at least three specific areas in your bio where you targeted your writing to fulfill those communication purposes for your target audiences. 6. Write an abbreviated version of your current bio that has 140-150 words.

a. This might be a version that you would post on LinkedIn, or a webpage, or for a supporting speaking role at an event.

Writing Your Professional Bio.

7. Write an even further abbreviated current bio version with a maximum of 50 words. a. This might be a version for a brief spoken intro for a speaking engagement, or as a guest writer, etc. 8. Write a 140-character (maximum including spaces) version of your current bio. a. This could be a version for social media. 9. For each abbreviated version of your current bio (140-150 words, max 50 words, and max 140 characters), explain why you removed the information you removed, and why you kept what you kept. Part Two: Your 5-Year Bio 1. List and describe your target audience(s) and what they want that you could provide.

Writing Your Professional Bio.

Note that this may be different from your current bio. 2. List and describe your communication purposes. What do you want to achieve with this communication piece? What information about you is critical to convey to your audiences? 3. Explain the particular style, voice, tone, etc. in which you will write your bio, and why these are appropriate for your audiences and your objectives. 4. Write a professional bio (450-500 words) that would be accurate if you end up where you want to be five years from now (September 2025). a. Be ambitious, but don’t be obviously unrealistic.

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Hucksters in the Classroom. 2023 Best

Hucksters in the Classroom. Paper details Introduction: (Background and Thesis Criterion) Brief description of the problem to be solved, with key agents named.

Hucksters in the Classroom.

Hucksters in the Classroom. Paper details Introduction: (Background and Thesis Criterion) Brief description of the problem to be solved, with key agents named. Your thesis Methods & Materials 1 (Understanding Criterion) [Already Graded] Name first theory you are using State the principle of right action Identify key moral considerations: rights, values, rules, virtues, etc. that will be used in this section (for example, right to life, or physical health, or never lie, or compassion).

Hucksters in the Classroom.

Observation Report (Argument Criterion). Explanation of how the moral consideration and the relevant facts support your thesis or undercuts your thesis Conclusion A summation of the problem A summation of your argument A reminder that your thesis is justified Basic Information • Each paper MUST be 700-1000 words long • You must use the moral theory that you were assigned • The final paper, and each sub-assignment MUST BE TYPED AND DOUBLE SPACED. • Choose one of the case studies from Canvas • Paper may use ONE AND ONLY ONE MORAL THEORY. https://youtu.be/nASvIgSOCxw

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Organization workforce strategy. 2023 Best

This paper focuses on organization workforce strategy. Paper details: The consultancy firm, McKinsey & Company, developed the 7S model as a tool for their business clients, and it has become a staple of organizational assessment.

Organization workforce strategy.

 Paper details: The consultancy firm, McKinsey & Company, developed the 7S model as a tool for their business clients, and it has become a staple of organizational assessment. The model is a simple tool that can be used to understand and evaluate the performance of an organization in 7 critical areas: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Strategy Structure Systems Style Staff Skills Shared Values assignment, you will examine 5 of these areas at your organization: Strategy, Style, Staff, Skills, In this and Shared Values. All these performance areas directly affect your workforce strategy.

Organization workforce strategy.

Workforce planning is critical to distribute talent across an organization and to identify needed competencies and personnel, both for the short term and for the long term. It is also a valuable tool for leaders seeking ways to address challenges due to changes in the workplace environment and employee expectations. Instructions Using your current workplace, or an organization with which you are familiar, write a short report of 3 to 5 pages. Use this format for your report: a short introduction, explaining the purpose of the report; a section for each assessment area, using the prompts below; and a conclusion that briefly summarizes your findings.

Organization workforce strategy.

Each section in the body of the report addresses one of the 5 areas, as indicated below. Use the prompts provided below as a guide for the body of your report: Strategy – this must align with your organization’s mission, vision and goals • Briefly describe the business strategy of your organization • How well is your workforce strategy aligned with your organization’s business strategy? • How has your workforce strategy changed with the increase in remote and hybrid work? Style – this relates to the type of leadership that is customary at your organization • What is the prevailing leadership style of your organization (e.g., participative, autocratic, collaborative)?

Organization workforce strategy.

Is it the appropriate style for the challenges of today’s workplace? Why or why not? taff – the staffing numbers are driven by the budget but must support organizational goals • Does your organization have the numbers and type of employees needed to execute its current strategy? • If not, is there a plan in place to address the shortfall? Skills – these are the competencies needed to execute the work and fulfill the strategy • Does the leadership understand the competency requirements across your organization? • Are the required competencies represented by your organization’s current staff? Shared Values – these are the norms of behavior and self-management valued at your organization.

Organization workforce strategy.

Do the people in your workforce understand the norms of behavior your organization endorses and expects? • How are the shared values in your workforce being impacted by the shift to more employees working remotely or with a hybrid schedule? Formatting Requirements • The assignment is typed and double-spaced, with a professional font (size 10 – 12) • The assignment is submitted in MS Word document format • Includes a Cover Page with the assignment title, your name, the professor’s name, course title, and date • Includes an Introduction and a Conclusion • Covers each of the five areas concisely and briefly – the total report is 3 to 5 pages

Organization workforce strategy.

The report is written in a formal manner, with correct spelling and grammar • References must be included and provide appropriate information that enables the reader to locate the original source. Application and analysis of course materials and resources are expected, and additional research is welcome • The Cover Page and References are not included in the required page length. https://youtu.be/nfaUfYEs56c

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Marketing proposal for a new gym 2022 Best

This paper asks you to compile a marketing proposal for a new gym opening in your city. Outline ideas for local ads, social media marketing, word of mouth, and potential local celebrity endorsements.

Marketing proposal for a new gym

Paper instructions: Compile a marketing proposal for a new gym opening in your city. Outline ideas for local ads, social media marketing, word of mouth, and potential local celebrity endorsements. Consider the following: · What information do you need to obtain from the client? · What challenges will you face while working with them? · How long of a marketing campaign will you run? · Who will you reach out to in your area to help promote the opening? · What kind of grand opening will you suggest the client have? A special event? · Will you have the client run promotions ahead of the opening?

Marketing proposal for a new gym

The requirements below must be met for your paper to be accepted and graded: 1. Write a response between 750 – 1000 words for the body of the essay (The title page, abstract, conclusion and References section are not counted toward the word requirement.) (approximately 4-6 pages) using Microsoft Word in APA style. 2. Address all parts of the mini project fully. 3. Use font size 12 and 1” margins. 4. Use at least three references from outside the course material (You may use the academic resources included in the Week 8) one reference must be from EBSCOhost. The course textbook and lectures can be used, but are not counted toward the three-reference requirement.

Marketing proposal for a new gym

5. References must come from sources such as, academic and scholarly journals and essays found in EBSCOhost, CNN, online newspapers such as, The Wall Street Journal, government websites, etc. Sources such as, Wikis, Yahoo Answers, eHow, blogs, etc. are not acceptable for academic writing. 6. Cite all reference material (data, dates, graphs, quotes, paraphrased words, values, etc.) in the paper and list on a reference page in APA style. Provide citations everywhere information from the sources is used for foundational support and for validation of opinions.

Marketing proposal for a new gym

7. Use the third person narrative and avoid the use of the first- and second-person narrative and terms such as; I, me, myself, you, your, yourself, we or us (or related form such as let’s (let us) or we’ll, we’ve (we will / we have) among others). This will prevent the author or other parties from becoming the subject matter and will maintain the focus of the paper on the central theme and subject matter found in the elements. 8. Be informational and avoid being conversational. https://youtu.be/HEAHISdkMIA

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Cultural Competence in Human Services. 2022 Best

HUSS130 – Cultural Competence in Human Services. Portfolio Project Directions and Rubric This Portfolio Project is worth 25% of your grade Completing this Assessment will help you to meet the following: Course Outcomes: · Identify areas of potential conflict between human and social service providers and a patient’s cultural beliefs and values.

Cultural Competence in Human Services.

HUSS130 – Cultural Competence in Human Services. Portfolio Project Directions and Rubric This Portfolio Project is worth 25% of your grade Completing this Assessment will help you to meet the following: Course Outcomes: · Identify areas of potential conflict between human and social service providers and a patient’s cultural beliefs and values. · Use knowledge of health-related cultural/ethnic beliefs, values, and practices to design a plan of care for culturally and ethnically diverse populations. Program Outcome for Human and Social Services Assistant Diploma · Demonstrate an understanding of patient/client/customer service needs within the continuum of human and social service environments.

Cultural Competence in Human Services.

Program Outcome for Human and Social Services, AAS · Adapt essential communication skills to interact effectively with supervisors, peers and the public in various human and social settings. Program Outcome for Human and Social Services, Bachelor’s · Identify and select interventions which promote growth and goal attainment. Institutional Outcomes: Information Literacy and Communication – Utilize appropriate current technology and resources to locate and evaluate information needed to accomplish a goal, and then communicate findings in visual, written, and/or oral formats. ·

Cultural Competence in Human Services.

Relational Learning – Transfer knowledge, skills, and behaviors acquired through formal and informal learning and life experiences to new situations. Scenario You have been hired as a Diversity and Inclusion (DI) Outreach Specialist for a human services agency in your community. The agency was established to assist diverse and vulnerable individuals in need of local resources. Your job is to ensure individuals in the community are aware of the services available to them and help them find resources applicable to their unique situation.

Cultural Competence in Human Services.

Your supervisor has asked you to create a comprehensive and culturally appropriate plan of care based upon the following scenario. Mock Client Scenario: Amal is a 23-year-old Iranian American male who lives in low-income housing with his 57-year-old, Iranian-born mother, Doretha. Doretha is severely disabled. Amal has visited the agency three times to request referrals for services. The agency supervisor asked that you handle his case because of your expertise and experience in providing culturally appropriate referrals/resources to clients.

Cultural Competence in Human Services.

Amal reports that he has struggled with social anxiety and depression for most of his life. He does not, however, have a formal diagnosis from a licensed professional. Amal did not finish high school but did take and pass the GED. Amal and his mother do not currently have full-time jobs and do not qualify for medical insurance. Amal reports they have applied for state benefits but have not attended the necessary appointments to fill out the paperwork to obtain those benefits. https://youtu.be/tsWbODQiDWs

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