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Integrative Paper Proposal 2023 Best

Integrative Paper Proposal

Integrative Paper Proposal: The proposal should be a 2-4 page document (excluding the title page) that lays the foundation for your Integrative Paper Presentation (the major product of the Seminar).

Integrative Paper Proposal

The proposal should be a 2-4 page document (excluding the title page) that lays the foundation for your Integrative Paper Presentation (the major product of the Seminar). In essence the proposal states why the topic is important and how you will go about discussing the topic. The proposal, when done well, might serve as a whole or in a revised form as the introduction to the integrative paper (hence time spent here will serve you very well later). The proposal should include: Statement of the issue to be discussed (definition, description); Brief discussion of the significance of the issue (why does this matter?); Brief discussion of the context or setting in which this issue exists (Who? Where? How? When?);

Integrative Paper Proposal

What are possible questions/concerns/interests about this issue that arise from liberal arts learning (history, economics, philosophy, literature, political science, and the arts)? What are possible questions/concerns/interests about this issue that arise in relationship to social work knowledge, values, and skills in social work practice? What are possible questions/concerns/interests about this issue that arise from the historic Christian tradition, Biblical perspectives, and/or theological concepts? Statement as to how you will address this issue (i.e., an organizational or structure statement about how the paper will be written)

Integrative Paper Proposal

Also included with the Proposal: the Preliminary Reference List including the following: APA format A minimum of 10 references The references are a mix of books and journals (only 1 out of 10 sources can be a direct internet source – journal articles that were accessed online through a database are not included as a direct internet source) All journal articles must be from standard recognized sources of general knowledge (reference works; long-term established, substantive news and data sources) ______ Clearly identified and explained topic/issue, which includes a brief discussion of the “significance of the issue” and a brief discussion of the “context or setting in which this issue exists” ______

Integrative Paper Proposal

Clearly identified connection of topic/issue to liberal arts education ______ Clearly identified connection of topic/issue to social work knowledge, values & skills, and ethical ambiguities ______ Clearly identified connection of topic/issue to “historic Christian tradition, Biblical perspectives and/or theological concepts ______ Clear explanation of the organization and structure for the paper Keep in mind i will want you to write a 10 page paper on this topic in the following week.

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Major political actor 2023 Best

Major political actor

The aim of this assignment is to identify/explain the methods used by major political actors (players, groups, institutions, states, etc.) to present their proposed solutions to that issue; This is a formal research paper. It is NOT an opinion or editorial piece.

Major political actor

Topic – Identify/explain the methods used by major political actors (players, groups, institutions, states, etc.) to present their proposed solutions to that issue; This is a formal research paper. It is NOT an opinion or editorial piece. It must have an introduction, thesis, main body, supporting materials, conclusion, and references. Use Arial font with 12 points. Essay Guidelines: Students will prepare at least 6 pages of typed double-space essays and turn them in by the published deadlines.

The 6 pages include the title page, main body, and no more than a one-page reference page. In other words, one for the title, one page for reference, and 4 pages for the content. While at least 6 pages are expected, you may go a few pages beyond the 6-page minimum if necessary.

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Synthesis of research paper 2023 Best

Synthesis of research paper

This assignment involves writing a synthesis of research paper. Synthesis is the act of creating something new from multiple existing entities. Synthesis of research, then, is creating a new idea from existing ideas. Synthesis of research is not a single innate skill. Select two additional articles from the Revised Synthesis Paper Supplemental Articles List in the Study Materials for this course.

Synthesis of research paper

Synthesis is the act of creating something new from multiple existing entities. Synthesis of research, then, is creating a new idea from existing ideas. Synthesis of research is not a single innate skill. Select two additional articles from the Revised Synthesis Paper Supplemental Articles List in the Study Materials for this course. Using the feedback provided by your instructor and information from the two additional articles you selected, write a Revised Synthesis Paper with Reflection (1,250-1,800 words). Include the following in your paper: A Reflection (250-300 words) in which you discuss your revision process and how you incorporated your instructor’s feedback into the revised version.

Synthesis of research paper

Like the format of an abstract, this section will receive its own page following the title page and preceding the Introduction. An introduction that provides context for the topic. This includes presenting a clear thesis statement. Support for your identified themes with evidence from each original article. You must also incorporate additional support from sources included on the supplemental articles list. Synthesize your discussion of the topic to support your thesis. A conclusion that demonstrates support of your thesis statement, brief summary of the main points from your two themes, and recommendations for future research on the topic.

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The influences of John Calvin 2023 Best

The influences of John Calvin

For thesis what about The influences of John Calvin and his contributions to religion? Or you can chose the thesis for John Calvin ? Your paper must include the following (according to current Turabian format)

The influences of John Calvin

For thesis what about The influences of John Calvin and his contributions to religion? Or you can chose the thesis for John Calvin ? Your paper must include the following (according to current Turabian format): • Title Page • Thesis Statement: 1 or 2 sentences that capture the focus of your research, inform your reader about the purpose of the paper, and preview the paper’s main ideas. • Table of Contents: must show a clearly defined outline that will also be visible throughout the paper. Include these section headings in the body of your paper (see the Turabian manual for section heading use and formats). 

The influences of John Calvin

Introduction: a strong paragraph that introduces your topic and clearly reveals what you intend to show to the reader (must include the substance of your thesis statement, your purpose, and a brief overview of your paper). • Body: its structured development should mirror your outline. This is where you prove your point while honestly interacting with opposing views and major objections. Make sure to include transitional sentences to ensure a flow and sense of unity from paragraph to paragraph. • Conclusion: must not be a mere restatement of your thesis.

The influences of John Calvin

Instead, your conclusion must be a synthesis of the information presented in the body. It must bring the reader to the full level of understanding of your topic that you have yourself reached. • Selected Bibliography: must include at least 10 sources, not counting the Bible or required textbooks. 1. Footnotes are to be used to document research in the body of your paper (no in-text citations or endnotes). This paper must have a minimum of 20 – 25 footnotes.

The influences of John Calvin

Scholarly journal articles: These are useful for their survey of the critical issues related to the subject and their bibliographies, which could give you useful leads on the top scholars and works in the field.   Primary sources: These must take precedence over secondary sources. A primary source is a firsthand account or direct evidence concerning the subject matter under examination, while a secondary source presents an assessment or a interpretation of primary sources (e.g., Augustine’s City of God is a primary source about Augustine’s view of the struggle between good and evil, while Augustine of Hippo: A Biography by Peter Brown is a secondary source). 

The influences of John Calvin

Scholarly works: These include books, monographs, serial, manuscripts written by experts in the field as opposed to dubious works whose value cannot be ascertained (ask yourself if the critic’s credentials and works suggest that he/she is qualified).


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Case Study-With Friends Like This. 2023 Best

Case Study-With Friends Like This.

Case Study-With Friends Like This. One morning, well before the start of your department’s normal working hours, you were enjoying a cup of coffee in the cafeteria, shaping up your calendar of tasks and appointments for the day, when you were approached by one of your employees.

Case Study-With Friends Like This.

One morning, well before the start of your department’s normal working hours, you were enjoying a cup of coffee in the cafeteria, shaping up your calendar of tasks and appointments for the day, when you were approached by one of your employees. The employee, Millie Norman, one of your two or three most senior professionals in terms of service, seated herself across from you and said, “There’s something going on in the department that you need to know about, and I’ve waited far too long to tell you.” You reacted internally with both impatience and annoyance—you were not prepared to interrupt what you were doing, and you had not even invited Millie to join you.

Case Study-With Friends Like This.

Millie proceeded to tell you (“In strictness confidence, please, I know you’ll understand why”) that another long-term professional employee, Cathy Johnson, had been making a great many derogatory comments about you throughout the department and generally questioning your competence. For 10 minutes Millie showered you with criticism of you, your management style, and your approach to individual employees, all attributed to Cathy Johnson. On exhausting her litany, Millie proclaimed that she did not ordinarily “carry tales” but that she felt you “had a right to know, for the good of the department—but please don’t tell her I said anything.”

Case Study-With Friends Like This.

Although Millie’s comments were filled with “she saids” and “she dids,” and generally twice-told tales without connection to specific incidents, something extremely disturbing clicked in your mind while you were listening. Recently your posted departmental schedule had been altered, without your knowledge, in a way indicating that someone had tried to copy your handwriting and forge your initials. Two separate, seemingly unconnected comments by Millie together revealed that only one of two people could have altered your schedule. Those two people were Cathy Johnson and Millie Norman herself.

Case Study-With Friends Like This.

As Millie finally fell silent you were left with an intense feeling of disappointment. You wondered if you could ever again fully trust two of your key employees. Case Study Questions: Write at least one fully developed paragraph in response to each of the following questions: 1. What should be your immediate response to Millie Norman? Why? 2. Do you believe you have the basis on which to proceed with disciplinary action against someone? Why or why not? 3. How can the human resource department help you in your present concern?

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Mindful and Managing Suffering 2023 Best

Mindful and Managing Suffering

For today’s assignment we will focus on being mindful and Managing Suffering: Addiction, Chronic Pain, and Terminal Illness. 1) Paragraph 1+: Referencing Sarah Elizabeth Gilbert’s dissertation research. Briefly explain the researcher’s approach to using mindfulness with substance abusers. Was this approach successful? Why or why not?

Mindful and Managing Suffering

Using the sources above and the files given: 1) Paragraph 1+: Referencing Sarah Elizabeth Gilbert’s dissertation research. Briefly explain the researcher’s approach to using mindfulness with substance abusers. Was this approach successful? Why or why not? 2) Paragraph 2+: Referencing the video “Mindfulness Exercise for Chronic Pain” Compare your experience with mindfulness practices thus far this semester with the approach the psychotherapist took to helping the individual with chronic pain. Do you think this would be effective for you? Why or why not?

Mindful and Managing Suffering

3) Paragraph 3+: Referencing “The Benefit of Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction to Patients with Terminal Cancer” What is the primary tactic of utilizing MBSR in working with individuals who are terminally ill? Describe at least one reason that research is challenging with terminally ill patients. 4) Paragraph 4+: To complete your response, compare and contrast the populations considered in this week’s content those who suffer from addiction those who suffer from pain/chronic pain the terminally ill by answering the following question.

Mindful and Managing Suffering

Is mindfulness something you would recommend versus more traditional treatments for any/all of these populations? Your answer should be more than a yes/no–provide explanation and justification for your answer(s).

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Comparative Politics 2023 Best

Comparative Politics

POL268 – Introduction to Comparative Politics Spring 2023. SECTION I : Answer two questions from the following list with at a full a page response for each question. 1. Discuss the role of institutions in the trajectory of political and economic development of states.

Comparative Politics

SECTION I : Answer two questions from the following list with at a full a page response for each question. 1. Discuss the role of institutions in the trajectory of political and economic development of states. Why are the quality and legacy of institutions so important for long-term economic growth, and how can institutions help account for differences in the levels of development seen across the globe? What are alternative explanations for this variation, and how do institutionalists counter these arguments? 2. From a historic point of view, what has been the role of war-preparation and war-making in the rise and consolidation of nation-states, and how has war-making facilitated the transition from feudalism to the modern state?

Comparative Politics

Moreover, how has the different history and nature of war in the developing world contributed to their comparatively weak national political and economic institutions? 3. How does a meritocratic system differ from a clientelist system? What features distinguish the two from one another, and how and why do they correlate with democratic vs. authoritarian regimes. 4. Social capital has been found by many scholars to be responsible for the disparities in wealth across many countries. Explain the concept of social capital as well as why is social capital such an intrinsic and essential component of democratic regimes?

Comparative Politics

5. Design a natural or quasi natural experiment, along the lines described in the King, Keohane, and Verba chapter, to answer a research question relevant to comparative politics. Remember, the value of a and experiment/quasi-experiment is that you can hold all other variables constant so that you can isolate and identity the causal variables of interest. You are encouraged to conduct use the many research designs that have been used in the literature as a guide to thinking of the type of research design that you would like to do if you had the time and resources to do so.

Comparative Politics

Section II Write at least a two-page response to the following statement, providing at least three plausible alternative explanations. Present your argument clearly, using an introduction and a conclusion, and providing empirical examples when relevant. “Teachers’ salaries should be based on their students’ academic performance. If students do not perform well in a class, it is clearly an indication of the teacher’s inability to effectively perform his or her job. By tying teacher’s salaries to the performance of their students, we will incentivize teachers to work harder and make sure their students are better understanding the material.”

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Sudanese civil war peace process. 2023 Best

Sudanese civil war peace process.

This project focuses on the second Sudanese civil war peace process. INSTRUCTIONS: S2023 Due Week 9 March 26, 2023 Turn in Draft for Peer Review of Project(05): Complete the Capstone project as much as possible, leaving room for feedback and improvement from feedback from a peer.

Sudanese civil war peace process.

INSTRUCTIONS: S2023 Due Week 9 March 26, 2023 Turn in Draft for Peer Review of Project(05): Complete the Capstone project as much as possible, leaving room for feedback and improvement from feedback from a peer. Submit the draft and the professor will assign your work to another classmate to complete a peer review. The draft will follow the paper format. Follow your outline and making changes as suggested. Use full sentences, with paraphrasing and quotes with in-text cites that match each item on the Works Cited page. The draft format is the same as for the final project: – Length: Eight to ten pages, single spaced, with a blank line between each paragraph.

Sudanese civil war peace process.

Font: 11-point standard font, Times Roman or Calibri, with 1-inch margins, and single-spaced with a blank line between each paragraph. – Footnotes or endnotes: do not use them, please. – Sources: an 8 to 10 page paper should have at least 20 references, and have several paraphrases or quotes from each source. about 25% or more of the sources should be from academic sources, but this might not be possible for current events. A solid mix of sources from various media sources think tanks, and non-government organizations, from the US and overseas makes a more well-rounded research project. Wikipedia is not a valid source.

Sudanese civil war peace process.

References: Cite sources properly using MLA · In-text citations: in MLA are short and straightforward – parenthetical in-text citations are (Author #) for page number without putting “p”; for example, (Taylor 23). Cite direct quotes or paraphrase words that are not your right after the statement in the body of your text. No year or no commas.) Use quotes where possible where the reader knows where the words from the particular source begin. Or, especially for paraphrasing, stating the source first in the sentence helps. For example, Putin stated his goals are … (“The War”).

Sudanese civil war peace process.

The period, question mark, or exclamation goes after the cite. If no author, use the title of the publication. The full title is not needed, only enough to match the full citation in the Works Cited at the end of the paper. Works Cited page is alphabetical, with hanging indents. Double check goes through the paper and matches the in-text cites to the Works Cited page. If it is not in the paper as an in-text citation it can not be on the Works Cited page. Follow the syllabus, pages 5-8 “Format for All Assignments” though “Capstone Project” and review suggested links: · MLA Format and Styling Guide:

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Bilateral Lower Limb exercise 2023 Best

Bilateral Lower Limb exercise

Does a Passive Unilateral or Bilateral Lower Limb exercise circuit affect the injury rate during a goal-oriented activity of a moderate to extremely active person? In order to contribute to a debate (a conversation) one must first stand back and listen in order to understand the conversation.

Bilateral Lower Limb exercise

Does a Passive Unilateral or Bilateral Lower Limb exercise circuit affect the injury rate during a goal-oriented activity of a moderate to extremely active person? In order to contribute to a debate (a conversation) one must first stand back and listen in order to understand the conversation. What is the status quo? What are the contexts of the debate (what is the history? How has the debate changed or not changed over time? How have viewpoints coalesced, veered off, or separated)? Who are the stakeholders and what stake do they have in the debate? Who are the major speakers among the various stakeholders? What are their viewpoints?

Bilateral Lower Limb exercise

Where are the stasis points, those aspects of the debate that prevent consensus or progress toward a resolution? This is the major project of this assignment. Your essay should include everything that was outlined in the assignment description in the syllabus, including: a definition of the boundaries of the debate including identifying the various stakeholders, summarizing the positions, identifying stasis points within the debate, as well as identifying gaps in understanding, thinking, research, participation, etc as well as a discussion of the various contexts (historical, political, physical, economic, ethical) that are important to understanding why the debate is where it currently is.

Bilateral Lower Limb exercise

Some guidelines: 1) In order to do this project correctly it is important to suspend judgment during the data collection phase. Your job is not to determine who is correct or who is incorrect, but merely to understand (judgment will come later). 2) While much of this assignment will be a report of information and good summaries will be important, but there are key analytical aspects of it as well, so you must always be asking questions (what does all of this mean? Why does this stakeholder group hold these positions? Where did the status quo come from? What prevents resolution of this? etc.).

Bilateral Lower Limb exercise

3) The success or failure of this assignment is predicated on your thoroughness in identifying stakeholders and their positions as well as understanding and explaining contexts. In other words, if you think you are done researching it means you have to research some more. What Will I be Looking For? 1) The robustness of the description of the conversation, including the quality of your summaries (concise but detailed, including only the most important information) as well as the depth of your research.

Bilateral Lower Limb exercise

2) Attention to detail (e.g. citing everywhere appropriate and maintaining a properly formatted works cited page). 3) Analytical conclusions that are drawn from specific evidence presented in the essay. 4) A conclusion that shows the opening up for possibility (whether those possibilities are foreseeing a pathway through a stasis point, or filling in a gap of knowledge or understanding or research, or in including a voice that has mostly been marginalized or absent from the conversation, or in finding common ground through shared values/beliefs, etc.)

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Persuasive Proposal 2023 Best

Persuasive Proposal

Assignment Guidelines DIRECTIONS: Your persuasive proposal should include your persuasive thesis statement, involve argument development, and incorporate research.

Persuasive Proposal

Touchstone 3: Draft a Persuasive Proposal ASSIGNMENT: Using your outline and annotated bibliography from Touchstones 1.2 and Touchstone 2.2, draft a 6-8 page argumentative research essay on your chosen persuasive topic. A. Assignment Guidelines DIRECTIONS: Your persuasive proposal should include your persuasive thesis statement, involve argument development, and incorporate research. Remember that this topic addresses a problem or issue in your community or workplace. Refer to your feedback from the previous touchstones to aid you in composing this assignment.

Persuasive Proposal

B. Reflection Questions Guidelines DIRECTIONS: Below your assignment, include answers to all of the following reflection questions. Provide one example of a place where you have used rhetorical appeals or source material to support your argument. How does this enhance your essay? (2-3 sentences) Touchstone 4 is a revision of this draft. What kind of feedback would be helpful for you as you revise? Are there parts of your draft that you’re uncertain of? (3-4 sentences) D. Requirements The following requirements must be met for your submission to be graded: Composition must be 6-8 pages (approximately 1500-2000 words). Double-space the composition and use one-inch margins.

Persuasive Proposal

Use a readable 12-point font. All writing must be appropriate for an academic context. Composition must be original and written for this assignment. Plagiarism of any kind is strictly prohibited. Submission must include your name, the name of the course, the date, and the title of your composition. Include all of the assignment components in a single file. Acceptable file formats include .doc and .docx. Your annotated bibliography must be graded before your research essay draft will be accepted.

Persuasive Proposal

E. Additional Resources The following resources will be helpful to you as you work on this assignment: Purdue Online Writing Lab’s APA Formatting and Style Guide This site includes a comprehensive overview of APA style, as well as individual pages with guidelines for specific citation types. Frequently Asked Questions About APA Style This page on the official APA website addresses common questions related to APA formatting. The “References,” “Punctuation,” and “Grammar and Writing Style” sections will be the most useful to your work in this course.

APA Style: Quick Answers—References This page on the official APA Style website provides numerous examples of reference list formatting for various source types.

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